British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 483

Quote: Nogget @ May 22 2010, 7:46 PM BST


Well there's still the second part to potentially redeem this mundane episode. Maybe future-Amy will do something interesting.

Maybe shorts. I don't mind either way.

Yes, I suspect the future couple will book-end it.

Sad that speculation over her shorts is the most talked-about part of this show so far.

Quote: Nogget @ May 22 2010, 7:57 PM BST

Sad that speculation over her shorts is the most talked-about part of this show so far.

I was going to mention the bondage elements as well but I'm glad I didn't now.

A classic Doctor Who set up but the director did not seem to get the best out of the suspenseful moments - perhaps a result of milking them too much. Amy took an age to fall down that hole.

And Rory was completely redundant, which does not help with the pacing.

But not a bad episode - better than the vampire fish, or the magic pollen. And Lady Fuschia was a sexy Silurian.

Considering that guy had been vivisected while conscious he didn't seem to distressed.

In fairness if everyone in Dr Who behaved in an emotionally truthful way it would be the most distressing show on telly. It is teatime family fun, not Five Days.

It was decent enough, but felt far too much like forty five minutes of set up for part two, as opposed to a great episode in its own right. Perhaps, when part two comes along, the whole will come together and change this initial opinion. The three regualrs were as great as ever though.

Look how much great stuff Moffat shoved into the first part of his Angel two parter; this episode felt very light in comparison.

So, a resounding 'it was okay' from me.

Damn, I forgot to wait and see what Godot thought before posting. Unimpressed

Quote: Timbo @ May 22 2010, 10:17 PM BST

In fairness if everyone in Dr Who behaved in an emotionally truthful way it would be the most distressing show on telly. It is teatime family fun

Families ruin it for everyone. F**kers!

The Doctor's chat with the imprisoned Silurian was very good, I thought.

The only good bit was the way the Doctor eyeballed that woman when she tried to bring weapons.

They did look like the Jem Hadar from Deep space Nine.

I enjoyed the episode as I always like to see the old foes return.
But as a stand alone it was neither great nor terrible.

Watching 'Dr Who Confidential' though I thought it was a shame that they hadn't gone with the Silurian entrance they'd originally written due to budgetary constraints.
It sounded quite good, & much more dynamic..

That Silurian was a right bitch.

So considering that flagged it up so conspicuously, presumably Amy's diamond ring is going to play a significant role in the second part? Are they going to drill with it?

Stretched over 2 episodes this could have been a 70s style suspenseful charmer. With eccentric characters, sinister disapearances and alot more of the Dr's Heath Robinson security system. But this obsessive need to change completely every 1 or 2 episodes is just...well...annoying.

Quote: sootyj @ May 23 2010, 10:28 PM BST

Stretched over 2 episodes this could have been a 70s style suspenseful charmer. With eccentric characters, sinister disapearances and alot more of the Dr's Heath Robinson security system. But this obsessive need to change completely every 1 or 2 episodes is just...well...annoying.

Nothing 'stretched' can be good; you don't want to have to stretch something. I don't really understand what you mean by 'obsessive need' to, as far as I can tell, develop the story in part two? There's nothing obsessive there, just a desire to tell a good story. Plus this particular episode, stretched across two episodes, could well have proven a bit on the tedious side; there was barely enough to it for one episode.

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