British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 482

Of all the docs, I reckon Eccleston would be the one to refuse to come back. Tennant will defo be back in his human form at some point in the next few years.

You could bring back any of the docs in the multiverse idea (except the dead ones, though you could use other actors maybe, like the you could use Pertwee son), as they can be older because in their universe they didnt regenerate

Quote: sootyj @ May 20 2010, 11:33 AM BST

RTD really seemed to sell his actors short.

Whatever you think of Tennant's final two parter; he and Cribbins got to flex a few mighty acting muscles. Plus he wrote Turn Left, which gave Tate a great script to work from. And Midnight, another script for an actorly workout.

I love Bernard Cribbins! He was such a wonderful addition to the show. And the fact that he's a carbon copy of my dearly missed granddad makes him even more special.

McGann would be n easy one to bring back for a multi-doctor episode, as we have no idea how old he was when he regenerated.

Quote: Timbo @ May 20 2010, 1:25 PM BST

McGann would be n easy one to bring back for a multi-doctor episode, as we have no idea how old he was when he regenerated.

I think I've said this before as a cliffhanger; have the companions in the worst possible trouble you can imagine, monsters/Daleks/whatever closing in on all sides, the Doctor has been A.W.A.L all episode-there is no way out, they're waiting for the final death blow-then we hear the Tardis sound, and there it is! Relief! Then-bum-bum-bum; out steps Mcgann's Doctor. A big whaaa?!?!?!!?! and screaming into the end credits. Best-cliffhanger-ever.

Most of the Dr Who team ups have been a little bit poor. When Dr Who plays it straight, e.g. left field scifi, with a British sentiment, a little bit dark, a sardonic knowing none silly wit and strong eccentric characters.

Then it's ace.

All the tricksy stuff bleurgh.

Quote: Timbo @ May 20 2010, 1:25 PM BST

McGann would be n easy one to bring back for a multi-doctor episode, as we have no idea how old he was when he regenerated.

Paul McGann made it clear he was keen to reprise the role in New Who, though he heard naught from RTD. Possibly because he would have showed Tennant up for being rubbish.

New elements?:

Lips and Hair Gel are NOT elements (not that sapphire and steel are actually elements either...)

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 20 2010, 1:29 PM BST

I think I've said this before as a cliffhanger; have the companions in the worst possible trouble you can imagine, monsters/Daleks/whatever closing in on all sides, the Doctor has been A.W.A.L all episode-there is no way out, they're waiting for the final death blow-then we hear the Tardis sound, and there it is! Relief! Then-bum-bum-bum; out steps Mcgann's Doctor. A big whaaa?!?!?!!?! and screaming into the end credits. Best-cliffhanger-ever.

That would be pretty cool.

For the McGann fans, BBC7 started broadcasting some more Big Finish 8th Doctor stories last Sunday, with part 1 of a story called 'Orbis'.

Meh. Bit of a dreary one tonight. Pity it's been stretched to a two parter. Rubbish monsters slightly reminscent of men in tights. And no particularly funny lines. Very disapointing after last week's episode.

I rather liked it.

But then I'm a sucker for Silurians

Quote: sootyj @ May 22 2010, 7:35 PM BST

But then I'm a sucker for Silurians

The one in handcuffs was quite sexy, I'll give you that.

Filler, and some strange jumps in the story. Also the reactions to people being "gone" and potentially dead seemed a bit "oh, okay, never mind!"

On the plus side the kid was pretty good and Amy wore a very short skirt.

Quote: Badge @ May 22 2010, 7:40 PM BST

Amy wore a very short skirt.


Well there's still the second part to potentially redeem this mundane episode. Maybe future-Amy will do something interesting.

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