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Doctor Who... Page 480

My only problem with Martha was the intrusive "Martha's Theme" which would get played when she came onscreen.

Quote: Nogget @ May 19 2010, 4:15 PM BST

My only problem with Martha was the intrusive "Martha's Theme" which would get played when she came onscreen.

Her performance at times was towards the duff end of the spectrum. She just had a very wooden way of delivering the odd line here or there.

Quote: zooo @ May 19 2010, 11:13 AM BST

Haha. Nope.
That was down to the actress. (Who seems very nice in interviews, but is not great at the old acting.)

She's good in the human nature episodes though (best New who episodes for me). I think RTD undermined her character completely by making it plainly obvious that she wasn't as good as Rose in the Doctor's eyes, and her being insanely jealous about that. A very odd decision. Almost as odd as having the Doctor turned into a powerless ball of human flesh in a cage for 3/4 quarters of a series finale.

Quote: Mickeza @ May 19 2010, 8:22 PM BST

I think RTD undermined her character completely by making it plainly obvious that she wasn't as good as Rose in the Doctor's eyes, and her being insanely jealous about that. A very odd decision.

Yes, that was a bit odd, on reflection.

I'd be interested to see how that series rates with people here.
I thought '42' was good
Human Nature/Family of Blood is one of the very best of New Who & Blink wasn't too bad either.
As for the finale it started very well and then got a bit crappy.
I wish they'd left Derek Jacobi as the Master.

Agreed that Martha was as Wooden as the Tardis at times though.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ May 19 2010, 8:39 PM BST

I'd be interested to see how that series rates with people here.
I thought '42' was good
Human Nature/Family of Blood is one of the very best of New Who & Blink wasn't too bad either.
As for the finale it started very well and then got a bit crappy.
I wish they'd left Derek Jacobi as the Master.

Agreed that Martha was as Wooden as the Tardis at times though.

The finale lets the series down, which is perhaps why it isn't remembered that fondly. Episode by episode it's much more hit than miss. It has three truly fantastic episodes in Blink and Human Nature/Family of blood. Utopia also sets everything up brilliantly, and the series arc is very well done. But as I said above, what they did to the Doctor in the finale was abysmal. The last episode is for me the worst episode RTD wrote. It's even worse than the below par specials. In fact, it's even worse than Love and Monsters, at least that was just a throw away doctor light episode. Last of The Time Lords is supposed to be the pay off to a series worth of build up, the return of the Master, and it is such a let down.

Oh, and the least said about the two Dalek episodes in the series the better me thinks Sick

Although a bit of me did like the Human Dalek cliffhanger.
But I knew I shouldn't.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ May 19 2010, 8:39 PM BST

I'd be interested to see how that series rates with people here.
I thought '42' was good
Human Nature/Family of Blood is one of the very best of New Who & Blink wasn't too bad either.
As for the finale it started very well and then got a bit crappy.
I wish they'd left Derek Jacobi as the Master.

The second half of that series, I think it's '42' onwards, was very strong. Though I agree the finale ended up a bit dissapointing. The whole shrunken Doc thing and the magical wishing ending were a bit duff; though there was still plenty of good stuff. I loved the Master refusing to regenerate for instance.

Scanning through I'm torn between series 2 & 4.
(The Slitheen put series 1 out of the game for me)

I'm loathe to say 4 as I don't like Catherine Tate much but It does have a lot of good episodes & a satisfying though slightly cloying finale.

I'm loving the new series of Doctor Who. It's been a nice, comfortable shift in gear from Tennant to Smith (who, incidently, is just great). I love David Tennent, but I was def ready for a change and in walks Matt Smith and he IS the doctor.
I think Amy Pond is one of the more interesting companions there has been in a while- the fact that she met the doctor when she was a little girl and her whole life has therefore been affected by this was a great introduction. If I'm honest I don't find Rory all that interesting and there seems to be little chemistry between him and Karen Gillan. And the weeping angels 2 part was brilliant- can't wait for the return of River Song in the finale.
There has been the odd moment that has fallen flat, but that is just nit picking because overall we are lucky to have such quality, british telly on every saturday night.

Quote: Lindyloop @ May 19 2010, 11:13 PM BST

can't wait for the return of River Song in the finale.

Kind of a spoiler.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ May 19 2010, 8:39 PM BST

Agreed that Martha was as Wooden as the Tardis at times though.

Whereas Karen Gillan has the range of Glenda Jackson?

Actually, it bothers me less when that Who actors can't act, compared to when they over-act. I prefer a bit of wood to gurning, emoting, and crying, because so often in the recent past (less so now thankfully) we get a surfeit of such 'acting' instead of plot, monsters, and straightforward, good ole fashioned "two dimensional" sci-fi.

Quote: Timbo @ May 20 2010, 7:28 AM BST

Whereas Karen Gillan has the range of Glenda Jackson?

She can act, Martha couldn't. Unfortunately her acting ability was a secondary consideration.

Quote: Timbo @ May 20 2010, 7:28 AM BST

Whereas Karen Gillan has the range of Glenda Jackson?

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 20 2010, 8:47 AM BST

She can act,

Yes; she is much more comforatble and natural in her role. She hasn't struck a false note for me yet.

Quote: zooo @ May 19 2010, 11:19 PM BST

Kind of a spoiler.

She did say she would return when The Pandorica opens, which also happens to be this series finale; so not that much of a spoiler!

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