Awww, well I'll bring Billy Bong and come watch it with you.
Doctor Who... Page 343
Quote: Griff @ November 5 2009, 8:32 PM GMTThe best Dr.Who cartoons are the black and white ones Cosgrove Hall did to animate some missing Sixties episodes. Stunning.
Just noticed this edited part. I'll have to see if I can find them.
Quote: Moonstone @ November 5 2009, 8:27 PM GMT
So, erm, will Julia, or literally anyone else, be watching it with you?
Well done Gav.
Fantastic four are gay as f**k but I wan't gonna leave you hanging pal.
I'm hoping this is one of them private jokes and I'm not being wobbley again.
Everyone watching Mars Piss tonight?
I will be, looks like it might be a goodie.
It does indeed and there's rumours mentioned in the Observer that he might meet some people at the end...
Ooh bloody hell it's tonight! Why on a Sunday?? Doctor Who is Saturday, everyone knows that.
Beacuse he's Jewish.
Well I don't see YOU disappearing over the weekend
I have dispensation.
Who watches the watchmen.