Tuesday 8th July 2008 12:35am [Edited]
Royal Berkshire
69,968 posts
Quote: ian_w @ July 7 2008, 9:22 PM BST
She said he looked younger than the Doctor she knew. There is deffo going to be a River Song story in a future ep, especially since she was Moffat's creation.
Ergo, Tennent will have to look older, which means he has to stay at least another ten years.
What I am basically trying to do, is scrape the bottom of the barrel
Or just an older actor?
Quote: Simon Stratton @ July 7 2008, 9:31 PM BST
Ayoade would make a great companion.
You know the 'regeneration' in the last episode - does that count as a real regeneration (because he healed himself) and therefore Tennant is the tenth and the eleventh doctor? And hasn't Doctor Who only got a limit of 12 regenerations...
No, it wasn't a regeneration. He harnessed the energy of one, but didn't actually regenerate.