British Comedy Guide

Piss Take

Two old men sittting in an old peoples home. They are sat facing each other.

Frank:[Sniffing the air] Peter, you stink of piss.

Peter: No I don't.

Frank: I'm telling you Pete, you stink of piss.

Peter: And I'm telling you I don't.

Frank: Peter, you always stink of piss. The nurses around here call you Pete Pissy Pants Parfitt. Believe me you stink of piss alright.

Peter: Your wrong.

Frank: You can't tell. You're too close to it and too used to it.

Peter: And I know for definite that I don't stink of piss.

Frank: How eh? How do you know you old fart?

Peter: Because I've just shit myself.

I like that, mate Laughing out loud. Very good!

Ecuse me Roscoff, I've got coyright on the old-uns.
Don't you think it's sad, that the only group left that we can take the piss out of, without being accused of some 'ism'. Is us OAPs, so we're not useless after all.

Ageism is alive and well and living in everyone under the age of 45! :)

Nice sketch, would work well with the right treatment.

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud
Perfection on a plate. More!!!

yes it's funny

Ageist? Very young people also shit and piss their pants Laughing out loud

Nice sketch

Quote: ajp29 @ January 2, 2008, 12:11 AM

Ageist? Very young people also shit and piss their pants Laughing out loud

Nice sketch

Very young people --become--> Very old people!

The ageist twats are somewhere between the two extremes of age! ;)

Very good, roscoff.

Got.. to ...resist... old ...folks... piss ...and ..shit ..joke...

:P You've been reading too many posts again Jerf!

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