British Comedy Guide

Looking Back Sketch

Int. Arthur’s front room.

Arthur (75) and Richard (75) are sat at a table enjoying a glass of Sherry.

Arthur: So here we are, Richard, both 75.

Richard: I know, Arthur. Your youth flies by so quickly doesn’t it.

Arthur: It seems only yesterday that we were out on the street. Young and hungry.

Richard: Damn that infernal rationing

Arthur. Yes, damn it to hell.

Richard: But, just like that nasty case of VD I had in ’56, things eventually got better.

Arthur: Yes, I’ve spent many a night wondering how things might have turned out. That is, if we hadn’t have gone into our particular trade.

Richard: We certainly made the right choice.

Arthur: Who could have foreseen it? Us two – fully qualified, professional liars.

Richard: True. And you had the genius idea of becoming a doctor ‘by day’.

Arthur: A role which proved priceless as a liar.

Richard: Such endless possibilities to play with.

Arthur: (CHUCKLES) You know, it wasn’t really VD you had in ’56!

Richard: Really? I thought it was a strange prognosis.

Arthur: Yes. What with you being a virgin ‘til 1958.

Arthur and Richard both nod fondly.

Richard: Then, of course, there was me. The ‘journalist’.

Arthur: Ah, I’ll never forget that weekend in ’59! You lied about Brando, Hepburn and the... the... what was it?

Richard: The welsh dresser.

Arthur: Of course! Of course!

Richard: I can honestly say that I lied with the very best of them.

Arthur: Yes, you certainly did. (BEAT) Including my wife.

Richard: Wh-what?

Arthur: I know that, that... you and Sandra once spent... an entire morning lying with each other.

Richard: Oh, um, I honestly can’t remember that. Are you sure?

Arthur: It was the 25th of April 1964.

Richard: My my, you have got a good memory haven’t you.

Arthur: Well, not many men forget their wedding day.

Richard: Ah, but rest assured if we do...

Arthur: Then we can always lie our way out of it!

Richard: Precisely! Now, I propose a toast. To Sandra!

Richard and Arthur clink their sherry glasses together.

Richard: The best lie we ever had.

© Ben Ricketts 2007

Another good one, you're building up quite a collection.

yes good again ben. you surely have enough for an entire show now?

Getting close but maybe need a few more!

These two characters would be good in a sitcom.

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