British Comedy Guide

Little Arrows

INT - A Televised Darts Match - Night

2 Darts for double top. Nigel N'Gomo stands on the edge of greatness for Great Britain in this truly memorable final.

He's hit 20! One dart for double 10! Can N'Gomo do it for Britain? The Dutchman, Ver Shtappen, has three darts for 32 his favourite double if Nigel misses the double. There's hardly a bookie in the land would give you odds on the big lad in the orange shirt missing with three in his hand. Come on Nige! Do it for Britain!

Oh no! The plucky Kenyan-born lad's hit the wire! Oh dear oh dear oh dear! They'll be shedding tears in the bars of Nairobi tonight.


Very good, short and sweet, and with a decent punchline to match.

Do you play?

Hi Ray

Thanks for your response glad you liked it.

No, I don't play but I enjoy watching the game and listeneing to Sir Sid on the box.


BTW The commentator in the sketch is not a parody of Saint Sid. Sir Sid is the kiddie!

Not quite a 180 Blenkinsop.. still tidy darts nonetheless.

What's dart players' favourite gravy?.. Bristow.

Ahh! I see!

Cheers Nigel

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