Friday 28th December 2007 8:28pm
Royal Berkshire
69,993 posts
Quote: Baumski @ December 28, 2007, 2:53 PM
The problem I've always had with 'Extras' is that it's 'The Office' in different guise.
This is spot on, and something I said right from the first episode of series one. It has, IMO, grown a little, but essentially Andy is just David, but toned down a bit and the emphasis skewed slightly.
Quote: Baumski @ December 28, 2007, 2:53 PM
I am still unconvinced that 'Rickey' - as some like to refer to him now - is anything other than a one trick pony. Credit where credit is due though because in fairness that pony really does well but that doesn't make 'Ricky' a comedy God. Stephen Merchant on the otherhand offers up something more and his understated acting really had me in stitches.
Spot on, again. There's so little difference between Extras/Andy and The Office/David (as noted above), that they're almost the same entity in some ways. Whilst the dramatic aspects of the Extras special were very good indeed, there's not yet been enough variety in his work to convinvce me he's got enough range to make up any further tricks. And the 'comedy God' label is just ridiculous either way.
Anyway, IMO Merchant is the shining star of that particular duo, and doesn't come across as a self-centred tit when appearing in person.