Good hello.
I've let it be known for many months on this here board that I am a writer who smokes cannabis instead of drinking booze. I've done so in the hopes other like-minded peeps would come out of the woodwork and seek a collaboration with one of their own.
In 2008 I want to write, direct, and produce a comedy album along the same veins as the old Cheech & Chong records. The sketches could also be performed visually and broadcast on Youtube, but let's get the audio versions recorded first.
You can PM me if you are not comfortable coming out of the woodwork in public.
Think about it.
First: we will say hello to each other.
Second: we will kick around some ideas.
Third: we will each write some stuff and send it to each other for feedback.
Fourth: we will then perform & record the material ourselves.
I live in Kent at the moment but England is so small that it would not be a hardship to travel anywhere in this country to record the material. I have no travel restrictions.
I am available for non-druggie related collaborations, too.
Arlington Roth (The Skib-Skibster of Gillingham & Ilfracombe)