Guantánamo Bay, Kosovo, Darfur, Palestine...There have been many inhumanities to man over recent years. But I don't think I am overstating the point when I say that your treatment of Kent Pete over the last few days has been nothing short of barbarous. Reflect if you will over the events of the last 48 hours.
Points 10 - Kent Pete - Disqualified, by order of Aaron
"KP's predictions aren't worth a f**k!" [NK]
"He even voted for himself what an arse".[ajp29]
How cruel, how insensitive.
I have wee Kent here with me at the moment. He is inconsolable God Bless him. Snivelling into his hankerchief, it's the most I can do to stop him drinking again.
Well I hope you are all happy now. You have got rid of the one of the few talent's to emerge from this site and he now plans to take his writing skills elsewhere [possibly Denmark]. I have known this brave man for many years. He is too much of a gentleman to slag you all off in person, infact as I type he is begging me to wish you all the best for the festive season.
I shall do my utmost to raise his broken spirits and repair his shattered confidence over the next few weeks . God knows that will not be easy. If you could see what I could see now you would not be able to live with yourselves. It's not pleasant I can assure you. [I'm not even too sure it's legal]
Yet again the pack mentality has won and individual brilliance has been sacrificed.
He wishes to personally thank Charley for publically displaying her support,
" Awwwww! I liked Kent Pete. This is a shame. Still it is pointless to have different accounts. I bet he is not the only one though. Is he defo banned. Can he not have a slap on the wrist?"
He tells me he always liked her and that under different circumstances I think he was hoping to have sex with her. KP acknowledges this is no longer a possibilty and that getting his hands on her Leonard Cohen collection is now a distant dream.
I leave you with one last example of the man's genius.
Goodbye BSG, I wish I could say Good luck.