Merry xmas, one and all!
Sanity Clause
liked the tinsel bit.. merry xmas
Dave, i really like that one think you've summed the whole festive season up in one short sketch, very good. And merry xmas.
I like it! Merry Christmas!
Thanks, guys, and thanks to the people who made their comments on YouTube. See you all in the new year.
Yey! I really liked it too. Well done.
I liked it too. The bit with the baubles was the best. More self harm please.
Loved this. Excellent work from Mr D. Bussell.
Nice one, David.
fabulous, reminds me of me
Again, thanks. I just rewatched it myself and it seems to work all the better in the cold, dread light of 2008.
Excellent. Perhaps its the booze, but is there a slight similarity between Mr David and Amy Winehouse?
Mm, funny. Could it have been packed with more hilarity? Some of the stuff was a bit same-y. I wanted to see you buggering a snowman or something.
When I say "I wanted to see you buggering a snowman," I don't want that taken the wrong way. Or that.
It was also very nicely produced.