Has anyone seen this film, starring Jamie Kennedy? If so, I'd like to know, does his character spend the whole film making references to '80s Pop culture? I came up with a similar character myself, over two years ago, but will probably have to scrap it because of this film.
Kickin' it Old Skool
Nobody saw that film and there's a reason why.
I've never heard of this film let alone seen it, but I don't think you should scrap your idea beacuse of it because i doubt many people will even think of this film if they saw your character.
Does anyone know any sites at which I could read through the film's script?
I checked the usual sites (Drew's Scriptorama etc) and couldn't find any trace of a script. You'd be better off hunting down a DVD I reckon. Do you have a mail order account (Lovefilm etc), that would be your best bet.