Rob B
Friday 21st December 2007 6:53pm
Saurth Lunden
311 posts
Okay this is how I see it working. Primarilly this covers the inital budget and competition in more detail. The later stages would be for an executive to decide.
The website would go live. Initially this website would look for shareholders in the sitcom project. One person could pledge to buy one share only for a price of 45 pounds. The target total would be 8 thousand pounds. (This pledged money would only be requested once the 8k total was reached)
Only if the pledges reach that target would the project move forward from here. At this time a "Production Executive" of 5,6 or 7 would be setup some taken from shareholders, plus one or two known identities. Effectively these would be a group that effectively work as the project producers and consultants.
Once the production executive is finalised the collection of those 45 pound pledges would begin. Also at this time the Sitcom competition would begin, and would run for approximately 2 months. Each entry would cost 10 pounds. Hopefully by the time the competition ends (given the writer contributions, and the hopefully extra shareholders that would have joined) the total buget would be a good percentage higher than initial 8 thousand. Also note that a writer would have no vote unless they became a shareholder.
Once the competition closed the production executive would begin to judge the scripts. How this is handled would depend on the amount of entries. Eventually the scripts would be reduced down to 10/12 finalists. These finalists would then be sent to an established writer/critiquer who would give a short review of each to help the shareholders vote (Think Simon Cowell, but hopefully nicer). These finalists would then be put online with review along with a forum so that shareholders could discuss and make a better informed decision. The voting would work on a 10,8,6,4,3,2,1 point scoring system. The top 4 highest scoring scripts would go through.
The top 4 scripts will be part of a filmed read-through with actors. This will be available online for all shareholders to view, and will give a better visual indication of the script than written. Might even help pinpoint issues. The vote would the take place again down to the final 2. At this point the two finalists would be asked to outline future episodes. Then a final vote. This would be done so that in effect a majority would have voted for the winning script.
(A point on the voting, and to make sure people know its above board. Voting would not be live as this could sway opinion, become tatical etc. Each person when they become a shareholder will recieve a unique key/number. Once the voting result is released each script will have the votes cast with the unique key and points awarded shown. Therefore you'll know that the 10 ,8 ,6 ,4, 3, 2, 1 points were awarded too the scripts you chose without anyone else knowing who you voted for. It would also have to be made clear to the writers entering that the script must be reasonable enough to fit inside the budget constraints. No point setting it on a submarine or in LA, as it would be impossible to do. Unsuitable scripts would not go forward to the shareholder vote)
Once we have a winning script, shareholders will be able to critique it, and these suggestions will be considered by the production executive. Important points would be put to the writer, and also a script editor/mentor would be assigned to help the writer get the script ready for production.
Meanwhile the production executive would have to begin to deal with the standard producer issues, such as budgetting, equipment, personnel, finding location, casting, and finding a director. Due to the short filming time and hopefully brilliance of the winning script we'd hope to get a known and experienced comedy director. Obviously for the director and acting talent there would be finacial/expenses reward. Casting would also be a votable issue for the lead characters. Shareholders would be able to view the casting for each actor in a role and vote. The production executive will ask for help from the shareholders during this process with various things like location, equipment, props etc. However the shareholder is not abliged to help further than the initial 45 pounds.
The filming would take place one weekend. The first day would be for the actors read-through and perhaps some external shooting if needed. The second day would be for the main shooting within the internal closed sets. Rushes from the fiming would be put online for the sharholders to view. Editing would then follow.
A DVD would then be produced of the final 30 minute sitcom and sent out to all shareholders. After this it's difficult to say what would happen.
In the event that the sitcom was picked up by a television channel, a formal production company would be formed as a limited company and the shareholders share would become real. In effect if there were 200 shareholders you would own 0.5% of the company. However the production executive would have the power to award non voting shares to others during the project, such as writer, director, actors etc
Comments please (more on details here rather tahn the overall premise). I do intend to take this forward to the first stage in the next few weeks. Rob