I tell you. I dont want mine anymore. Can I swap with someone. I rang my mum just now to see how she is & this was the conversation. This is why I am so bodged up & why I pass my bodgeness on to my poor boys.....
Hi Mum, I just thought I would ring up to see how things are going
Shit. Things are going shit here. I tell you your father is selfish. He is so selfish I think I might leave his arse. Infact I will leave the f**ker. F**k the selfish arsehole. Better still, he can leave. He can take his sorry selfish arse & f**koff.
Oooookay mum. Maybe you should…..
Do you know what he done. Do you. He is an arsehole. He is such a stinking smelly arse that he can get his stuff & he can leave. (Shouts) Do you hear me Peter. F**koff.
Dad is in the background going yar yar yar
Erm maybe I will call back later mum
He has brought himself 8 mobile phone in 8 months. I have lined up everyone of his f**king phones on the coffee table Char. I tell you there is no room for coffee now. 8 phones in 8 months.I added up he has spent over a thousand pounds in 8 months on phones. I tell him I need a corkscrew & he tells me we can't afford one.. He can have 8 phones & I have to open wine with my f**king teeth.
Well I will buy you a corkscrew.
No. I don’t want you to buy me a corckscrew. I want your Dad to buy me one. I want a gold f**ker. I want a thousand pound corkscrew or I am sending Dad to live with you.
(Shouts) Do you hear me Pete. You had better get me one magic wine producing encrusted in diamonds gold mother f**ker.
Ooooooooooookay. Listen I had better go.
I am going to get everyone of those 8 mobile phones Char. I am going to ram them one by one up your Dad’s tight arse. Then I am kicking him out on the street & I am gonna ring them numbers so his arse plays tunes all through the night. Keep that bastard awake.