Wednesday 5th December 2007 11:28pm
453 posts
I think that you could predict what anyone would do based on how they are now. If you are kind and giving now then that's how you'll be. Tight arse bastards are just the same, no matter what their financial possition might be. When they get big money they get big problems which require big money. >_< In their book they're up against it.
I shall never forget doing a collection for my sanctuary and a guy that was clearly living rough and in a bad way came up and spoke to me. He was a very sensitive, intellegent man and at the end of our chat he rattled about in his pockets and pulled out 7p and put it in the collection box. He said that he was sorry but that was everything he had and I believe that it probably was.
Not many people would give you 7p let alone everything that they had! 
I shall do something useful with my money and, knowing the struggle for writers, I shall include writing in that
Maybe I should start up a vegan writers production company. That'll keep you f**kers on ya toes!