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Radio Sketch.

I`m think of writing something for radio along the lines of "Round the Horne"etc.Pure silliness really, with crap one liners.Started with this idea.

Bullshot and Shorthouse


BULLSHOT: Are you Lovitt?

LOVITT: Yes and you are?

BULLSHOT: I am Inspector Bullshot of the Yard and this is[PAUSE] Shorthouse where are you?

SHORTHOUSE: Down here sir.

BULLSHOT: And this is my assistant Detective Shorthouse.

LOVITT: You`d better come in,its awfully foggy out tonight.

BULLSHOT: Yes the special effect boys have gone over the top this time.


LOVITT: Right gentlemen.What is it I can do for you?

BULLSHOT: We wish to join your circus training school.

LOVITT: Is that why you`ve come dressed as clowns?

SHORTHOUSE: Yes,we`re CID.Coppers in disguise.

LOVITT: One may one ask why it is you wish to join my school?

BULLSHOT: We believe that dastarly fiend Jack the Kipper is about to strike again,right here in this very building,and this time we`ll be waiting.

LOVITT: Oh I see you had better...


SHORTHOUSE: Oh my God what was that?

LOVITT: Sounds like the one legged limbo dancer`s drunk again.Gentlemen this way if you please?

SHORTHOUSE: It`s dark down here.

LOVITT: It`s a short cut under the theatre,few people know about it.

BULLSHOT: Ideal for a quick getaway.

LOVITT: Quite so inspector,lets hope the evil Jack the Kipper knows nothing of it.

BULLSHOT: Indeed.Lead on McDuff.

SHORTHOUSE: I thought you said his was was Lovitt?

LOVITT: What does this Jack the Kipper look like inspector?

BULLSHOT: We don`t know he always wears a mask,but I`ll know when I see him.

SHORTHOUSE: It`s so dark down here you can hardly see a hand in front of your..


BULLSHOT:[ASSERTIVLY] Shorthouse get down out of my arms will you?

SHORTHOUSE: Sorry sir,what was that?

LOVITT: Those will be the last of the trainee tightrope walkers.

BULLSHOT: The sooner we get out of this passage the better.

LOVITT: Nearly there gentlemen,mind the [FX.LOUD SCREAM AND THUD]step.[PAUSE]Detective Shorthouse would you kindly remove your arms from around my neck?


LOVITT: Here we are.

BULLSHOT: What is this?

LOVITT: This gentlemen is the royal box[GRAMS.QUICK BURST OF RULE BRITAINIA]from here you have the best view in the house.

BULLSHOT: It`s still quite dark.

LOVITT: I`ll go and find the Lamplighter to light the gas lamps,I won`t be but a moment.

BULLSHOT: Shorthouse can you see anything at all?

SHORTHOUSE: there seems to be something moving,over on your right hand side.


SHORTHOUSE: On your right hand side.

BULLSHOT: Yes I can see him now.My God he`s got something in his hand and..look he`s closing in on that other person.

SHORTHOUSE: I can`t see much sir.



BULLSHOT: Shorthouse?...Shorthouse?

SHORTHOUSE: Down here sir.

BULLSHOT: What are you doing down there man?

SHORTHOUSE: Sorry sir,I fell out of the box.

LOVITT:[IN DISTANCE] Is that brighter for you inspector?

BULLSHOT: Yes ..err..thank you Lovitt.Shorthouse will you get yourself back up here and stop clowning around?

SHORTHOUSE: Yes sir,coming sir.[FX.SOUND OF RUNNING UPSTAIRS.PANTING]How long are we going to wait?

BULLSHOT: Not long I suspect somethings afoot...and don`t say twelve inches.Now keep your eyes peeled as I believe the infamous Jack the Kipper will show himself.

SHORTHOUSE: What makes you so sure?

BULLSHOT: I have a hunch.

SHORTHOUSE: I doesn`t show.

BULLSHOT: Shorthouse make yourself ready.I smell something fishy.



SHORTHOUSE: One small question sir,how are we going to catch the very nasty Jack the Kipper who carries a sharp pointy thing and likes to stick it in people?

BULLSHOT: We have a secret weapon.

SHORTHOUSE: We do...what is it?

BULLSHOT: I`ll show you later,now be alert for the time is almost upon us.

SHORTHOUSE: I need a wee,

BULLSHOT: That will be the anticipation.

SHORTHOUSE: I think its more the quart of brown ale I had at lunchtime.

BULLSHOT: Quiet man can you hear that evil hissing?

SHORTHOUSE: Sorry sir I was bursting.

BULLSHOT: Look! Down below!

SHORTHOUSE: I wonder who that is with the black cape,mask and long pointy sword.

BULLSHOT: It can only be...

KIPPER:[EVIL CHUCKLE] Didn`t think I`d let you down did you inspector?

BULLSHOT: It`s been along time Kipper.

KIPPER: And for such a short time.

BULLSHOT? Why the mask?

SHORTHOUSE: Probably got bad acne.

KIPPER: It`s all part of the image inspector,and now I will make my getaway into the foggy,cobbled stone streets of 1890`s London,only to be remembered in some terrible B movies in years to come.Goodbye inspector.


SHORTHOUSE: Good shot sir.So that was your secret weapon to throw me down from the balcony?

BULLSHOT: Indeed,now lie there while I my way down[FX:FOOTSTEPS]Now lets see who the real Jack the Kipper is[FX:TEARING OF MASK FROM FACE]

SHORTHOUSE: Why its...?

BULLSHOT: None other than Mr Lovitt.

LOVITT: Blast you Bullshot and your midget sidekick.

BULLSHOT: The games ups Lovitt or should I call you Kipper?

LOVITT: Does it matter?

BULLSHOT: Not where your going Kipper.I`ve got a small space back at the Yard and you`re going to fill it for a long time.

SHORTHOUSE: Kipper fillet,good one sir.

BULLSHOT: Arrest him Shorthouse and walk this way.

Shorthouse: If I could walk that way...

BULLSHOT: Stop it detective.


I really like this, it's my type of humour and just up my street. I can imagine it read out and off the page :D :D
Check the script for a couple of minor errors such as...I instead of it...etc

Agree! I enjoyed reading this. Would make a great short radio sketch

Needs trimming but good.

Some rephrasing on certain lines would make it sharper

Thanks for the feedback.I know it needs a couple of rewrites and will get around to that in time,for the moment I`m just looking to write six or seven more episodes with Bullshot and Shorthouse and move on from there.


Very good in places but borrows a lot from 2 Ronnies. Are you interested in our Radio sketch project?

[ Bullshot and Shorthouse

BULLSHOT: Shorthouse can you see anything at all?

SHORTHOUSE: there seems to be something moving,over on your right hand side.


SHORTHOUSE: On your right hand side.

Bullshot: That's my right hand you fool. Wait I see what you mean.

Shorthouse: You mean what I say sir.

Just a suggestion. Good stuff!

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