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Treason Show

Does anyone understand the rules for submission? I have tried to listen to the sample sketches but my real player/quicktime is 'playing up'
Each time I go into the web now I get a voice continually repeating...'Move over poodle boy'
I want to know if, when you write the lyrics of a song, if it has to tie in with the sketch you have written.
So for instance if one writes a sketch about the recent 'teddy bear' incident, would the song have to be a spoof on the song...#Me and My Teddy Bear# ?

Moving this over to the Writers Discussion forum.

You should keep the songs and the sketches seperate, but by all means write both about the same subject if you can - it increases your chances of acceptance.

A word of warning though: I doubt they'll be looking for songs at this stage of the month, since they take the longest to rehearse they have to be the first things fixed in the running order and there's only five days until the Decemeber show starts.

If you're just looking to hand in a sample song to get on the writing team, then by all means write it and send it in; but by the time the next show comes around it'll be out of date. You'd be better waiting until just before the next show starts rehearsal to send in songs.

Also, if you're sending in sketches right now, keep them short. Five days before the first performance is not the time for the performers to be learning three page scripts.

Finally, if you're interested, there is some advice from Mark Brailsford about song writing here.

Oh and there are some samples scripts for performed songs here.

There are also helpful writers' guidelines on the Treason Show website -

As Phillip Barron says on his blog the best thing to do is to try to see the show. It gives you a far better sense of what they want than any guidelines.

Thanks Phil and John. Yes I did read all the guide lines and then became confused :$ So when is the best time to send stuff....just after a show?

Phil knows much more about this than me. But I'd say it depends on the length and what you're sending. I've emailed a gag in the morning and it's been in the show that night. But the longer it takes to rehearse and the more people involved the more time they'll need.

But they've got two Brighton shows this month and they're also performing in Hastings. So, if you have an idea, write it and send it in. If it's good, it's got a good chance.

And don't forget Newsrevue. They perform 4 nights every week, and always want new stuff, especially at the moment when they're just coming to the end of a six week run, when they change all the material.

It's true the Christmas shows are "best of" shows and include material from the whole year, but they'll still want up-to-date topical stuff.

But don't delay sending in. If they have started rehearsing an sketch on the same subject they're much less likely to do yours. And try to pick a topic that's not so fast-moving that it quickly goes out of date. Easier said than done.

Unfortunately, everyone's going to be writing about teddy bears this month.

Check out their website and that will tell you when the shows are. I would suggest sending from about halfway through the month.

What they said, really.

Longer sketches and songs need to be in somewhere around the middle of the month. Shorter sketches up until the week before the first performance. One liners, voice overs and quickie sketches at any time during the run.

Thanks. I looked in at the sample songs, they're fab and very clever. I loved the 'Bring in The Browns' Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

OK, this is directly from Mark Brailsford for anyone wanting to get something into the Show. In his latest email he is calling for, amongst other things:

Bush Speech (Could be a new one if someone can write it up)
Cameron Speech.
Naked gag
Capello appointed England Manager (A sketch of him taking English)

Now the key to getting something on is 'THE NAKED GAG'. Best of luck to all.

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