The police are pulling a man into the back of an armoured truck.
After Biggs had been taken away his neighbours spoke of their shock and horror.
A dishevelled woman with tousled hair stands before the camera.
If I'm honest I never noticed him. He was a quiet sort really.
A man with smears of blood on his cheeks and in his hair stands before the camera.
Bloodied Man
It's just such a quiet neighbourhood, everyone keeps themselves to themselves.
A man/woman wearing a ski mask stands before the camera.
Ski Mask
We mind our own affairs, and so we didn't pry into his.
Leatherface stands before the camera.
Nice bloke, but a bit petulant about neighbourhood parking.
Revealing words there, from a society too civilized to point the finger. I'm Mark Daniels reporting for BBC news.
The reporter turns and walks down the deserted street. Several bloodied mattresses and ten gallon drums are propped outside homes, rottweillers snarl in gardens and the sound of whirring chainsaws and thumping axes can be heard. There is a lone gunshot and the camera cuts out.