British Comedy Guide

The Exploding Muslim Woman

I know this is gonna get me slaughtered but if I don't express it here it might be far worse outside;

The devlish Danish cartoonist is at work again in his studio;

Danish: "Hahah, my latest cartoon depicting Allah as a transvestite will soon give those mozzies something to think about - and NO ONE will know it's me!"

Suddenly a veiled woman bursts through the studio window like a ninja.

Danish: "Oh no, it's the mysterious exploding muslim woman again, my plans are foiled!"

EMW: "hear my body clock ticking pastry boy?"

KA - BOOOOOM!!!!!!


Well fatbloke, I'll defend your right to make a joke about anything you like... (all fatwahs gratefully received.. NOT)

For me it's all up for a laugh if it's done well, but I can't find anything funny in this one, not for me anyway. It could possibly be funny if it was staged really well, and in the right context, but still, I can't really see an angle here.

Others may love it and it's always horses for of courses!!! :-)

I don't object to the subject matter but it is a bit weird.

Same here, no shock value, taking the piss out of suicide bombers has just become banal now and the formatting and humour is really poor here.

You'll be up for 40 lashes fat bloke. I will tackile any subject, though i don't like jokes about kids and the handicapped. I have to agree with all of the above, it's just a few words that don't add up to anything funny, yet with a little more thought?

This is such a sensitive issue.

I agree it's much better to attack the type of craziness that's going on in Sudan at the moment with humour rather than bombs. It's way too easy and lazy for comedy writers to go for targets like Britney Spears. But if it's going to be effective, it's got to be done really well, and be funny.

I'd like to see the subject tackled, but it needs to be funnier. And have a real point. I'm not sure what the point was of this other than the Danish cartoonists were a bit racist, and Muslims are all suicide bombers. Go back to the drawing board.

The body clock / ticking time bomb is quite an interesting angle to explore though.

I didn't see the joke here. At all. If you're going to tackle a subject like this (and I'm not for one moment suggesting you shouldn't) then you must at least make sure you're being funny.

To be honest these were supposed to be a series of short reccuring sketches like the Fast Show have - each with a similar theme and outcome.

There could be some mileage as there are endless scenes where the muslim woman might blow up. It's more about quick and easy satirical slapstick than any great wit.

More Fatwah Show than Fast Show. "Does my Bomb look big in this?"

If you're going to joke about something like this I think it had to be well thought out, making a point and mostly..funny. I didn't really see any of that in this sketch.

For those that are interested there's a sketch in my latest podcast episode inspired by the Muhammad teddy bear incident, it's the very first sketch see what you think... (Episode 4)

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