Quote: Aaron @ December 3, 2007, 1:28 PM
I've deleted one of your posts, after a clear warning in the thread concerned. If any other posts have been deleted, I suggest that you consult other staff members. As for JJ, that was nothing to do with me.
I really don't know why you think you're so special as to get singled out. I can only assume it's the ego, because you've had no different treatment to anyone else. 'Cos honestly, I don't regard you highly enough to bother. 
Besides, I am in no doubt that others would have banned you long ago, had they the power.
What a shameful post Aaron! tsk! tsk!
I think the 'other' staff member(s) deleted one of YOUR posts too then as one of yours was directly above mine and both yours and mine were deleted! It was Joanna Kings thread about her request for sketches, if you care to check it out!
I have never considered myself special and in terms of you not regarding me highly enough to bother and advising me that others would have banned me long ago, I would have to give you the classic answer:
"I wouldn't want to be a member of a website that tolerated the likes of me!"
You can consider this my resignation from your site which I have enjoyed BUT there are just too many people here who are decidely 'up themselves!' No names, no pack drill!
I'll take my overdraft elsewhere!
Thanks for the mammaries!
Frankie Rage signing out.
"Mr Rage has left the building.."