My name is Nancy. I live in Tennessee. You are probably thinking of hillbillys or Elvis, but the hillbillies live at the other end of the state and Elvis IS dead although some people think they still see him around. My son is takeing a Theater class and his teacher is from Britian (although I don't know exactly where from in Britian). Taylor, my son, is doing a paper on European comedy vs American comedy. He is trying to tell the difference between the two and give examples of both. He is trying to put a "kicker" at the end of his presentation where he will show that there are Americans who have written British or European comedies and well as American comedy that was written by British or European writers. Does any one know of any British (or European) comedies that were written by Americans and American Comedy that was written by British (or Europeans)? He used Fawlty Towers and The Monty Python as examples of British or European comedies, but he is trying to show (if there are some) that are some British (or European) comedies written by Americans and that there are some American comedies written by British or European writers. I know that we (Americans) are always starting sitcoms in America that are hits in Britian and Europe (The Office, Couples to name a few) but are they written by Americans or Britians for American tv. I would really appreciate any help you could give us! Thanks,Nancy
Would laso like to know of any more shows that we have started because they were hits in Britian and have ya'll started any that were hits in America and were they successful (like Friends, maybe)?