what happens when civil rights leaders eat too much cheese.......
I Have A Dream
Very good!!!
Simon, Rob, Chris great job guys this is really, really great. Funniest/Most pro. one yet on all levels in my opinion.
Try posting it as a video response to a popular South Park or Family Guy video and you should get some more targeted viewers. Most people leave the default 'automatic approval' on for video responses.
Really enjoyed this. Nicely written and great voice work. There are a few technical issues you could iron out that would improve it immensely though. The way the crowd cheering stops dead as it cuts away to Luther King is very distracting, and the levels are all over the place. In some places it's hard to hear what he's saying because of all the background noise (particularly in the underwater section). Also, and I know this is being picky, but the lip synch is sometimes a little iffy. And it should end the moment the kid is snatched off the screen, no delay. I only make these points because I know for the most part they're easy to rectify and the quality of the piece will really take a leap.
This is the best of the bunch so far. Well done.
Thanks you lot. I know rob, who animated this, enjoyed making it.
David - good points. was intending to sort underwater background noise out but for some reason never did. hadn't thought about the crowd noise fade, which in hindsight, might have worked better.
As for lip synching, this is, of course, the English dubbed version of our Japanese original.
Instead of fading out completely, lowering the crowd in the mix when it switches to MLK may also be as effective.
One easy way The Slaggs use to do this (esp in music backgrounds) is to run the same soundtrack in two channels, so that combined they are at the right loudness for 'in' and then we mute one soundtrack for the 'out' sections. It saves having to get sliders and timings right.
Re: the underwater sounds - I bagsy the straw in a bucket of water.
Tops mate! 'nuff said.
Ahhhh cheese dreams!
Cracking stuff
Yep very funny. Well done