British Comedy Guide

Not Going Out Sketch

After last nights faux pas in rehashing one of Rays ideas. I've decided to have another go at copying a Ray idea, and try a short sketch based on the BBC show Not Going Out. Obviously non of the characters are mine.

Actually it quite a nice exercise to try, as its such a joke led show. And yes as Ray pointed out to me I shouldn't of finished it where I have, but perhaps you'll see why.


TIM: Are you reading a book?

LEE: No, I'm hoping to swat a giant fly!

TIM: Boy I can't recall ever seeing you read a book before.

LEE: Yes the last time I read one they were only available in black and white. You really make me out to sound like a Philistine.

TIM: Do you even know what a Philistine was?

LEE: Yeah, I used to go to school with him. Nice lad with a lazy eye! Anyway Lucy Recommended it.

TIM: Oh (Smiles) Lucy recommended it huh. Normally you only read a book if its recommended by Lego. Who's is it?

LEE: It's Lucy's

TIM: No who wrote it.

LEE: Jilly Cooper. Yes its a complicated tale set amongst the socio-ecomonic turmoil of the equine industry.

TIM: Is there a lot of sex in it?

LEE: Yes its absolutely disgusting. You know its like actual hardcore pornography, except you can look at it on the tube.

TIM: You still banned from the London Underground.

LEE: Yep.

Lucy Enters

LUCY: I think its good that Lee's reading. It will help expand his mind.

TIM: I think its more likely to expand his pants.

LEE: No Lucy is right. Far too often we just watch TV for the sake of it, when we could be sitting down, relaxing and reading a really good book instead.

TIM: So you've lost the remote then?

LEE: Yeah three days. You don't what happened on Eastenders do you?.

LUCY: I was flicking through the channels a few weeks ago, and saw this documentry. Apparentely every time you watch some reality TV, you lose ten thousand brain cells.

TIM: So Lee proves the scientists wrong and that it is possible to have negative numbers of brain cells.

LEE: Do you mind I'm trying to read.

TIM: What are you doing here anyway. Aren't you supposed to be out selling tooth rotting, artery blocking treats to small children?

LUCY: He thinks he's been fired.

TIM: How can you think you've been fired. You either have or you haven't?

LEE: Well I won't know for sure until my boss comes out of his coma!

TIM: Gawd, you've been fired more times than Arnold Swartenegger's Ouzzi. What happened?

LUCY: There was a fire at the depot where Lee works.

TIM: You caused a fire at an Ice Cream depot?

LEE: I didn't mean to but it was bloody freezing in there!


TIM: So now you've lost your job. What are you going to use for money?

LEE: I was hoping to continue using those little bits of rectangular paper, and round metal things.

TIM: Seriously. You can't of made much money working as an Ice Cream man?

LEE: You try telling that to Ben & Jerry

TIM: So you are okay for money then?

LEE: Yeah fine. Couldn't lend us twenty quid could you?

TIM: What don't you have any savings?

LEE: Of course. It's just that it will take me a few days to get hold of the actual funds.

TIM: Is it one of those high interest accounts that you have to give thirty days notice to get access?

LEE: Not really. I'm just having difficulty getting the lid of the jar.

Is everyone here trying to audition to write for the show?

Don't be silly! we wanna be in it!

:$ I quite like it!!!! Whistling nnocently

Quote: marion @ November 16, 2007, 9:46 PM

:$ I quite like it!!!! Whistling nnocently

Well atleast you didn't shout at me :)

Actually I've just realised I spelt "Philistine" wrong which pretty much ruins what was a pretty poor gag in the first place. Oh well unfunny with spelling mistakes. When you're hot you're hot!

:O Bet you feel like a right twerp, now. I noticed that. Angry Everyone knows that you spell it phillystien Laughing out loud

I laughed a couple of times. Enjoyed it alot.

Mm, some funny jokes there.

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