Sunday 18th November 2007 10:35pm [Edited]
90 posts
[RICHARD is sitting in a restaurant with his date DAISY. RICHARD is incapable of facial expressions except when he says the name of a smiley. Then he demonstrates the emoticon in an exagerated fashion. E.G. 'smile' is followed by a big cheesy grin.]
This is so wierd, actually face to face with you after all the time we've spent chatting on the forums. I was starting to wonder if you actually existed outside of them!
eL-Oh-eL, yeah I know I'm a bit addicted.' Smile'
[a WAITER approaches with the wine]
RICHARD (to waiter)
hello there, my name is Richard and I'm new to this restaurant .My mates have been raging about this place so I thought I'd check it out myself. Hoping to have lots of fun. 'waves'
(to DAISY who is looking at the menu) See anything you fancy.' Whistle'
DAISY (confused)
um, I'll have the um vegetarian lasagne please
sounds good, although Tee-Bee-Haych I was hoping to get a bit of meat into ya. Mwahaha
What are you doing?
Look, I've had a rotten day and I nearly didnt come tonight, but you seem like such a nice guy online so please dont turn weird on me o.k. I'm sick of meeting wierdos
aww, 'hug'
[DAISY glares at him]
RICHARD (quickly)
Edit, delete hug. 'Eek'
[Awkward silence.The COUPLE at the next table have finished their meal and are getting up to leave]
MAN (to partner)
So what do you fancy doing now?
RICHARD (to man)
theres a new film on at the apollo, jazz band playing on Compton street. Or you could take the lady back to your place, see what trouble you can get her into. 'devil'
[The couple frown at him and leave]
I think I'm going to just go now o.k.
Nooooooo. Dont go. I'm sorry. We should talk about you. Quote daisy at november 15 2007, 7.26pm. Ha,ha yes I could go on about books all night. End quote. So, what are you reading at the moment?
DAISY (deep breath)
I'm reading Hollow Chocolate Bunnies Of The Apocolypse about a serial killer in toytown. Do you know it?
[Silence. RICHARD is staring straight ahead]
Richard? (waves hands in front of his unblinking face) Richard?
[DAISY sighs heavily.
CUT to the same scene, sometime later. DAISY is slumped on her chair, feet on the table, shaking the last drops of wine out of the bottle into her empty glass]
Rofl. Sounds great but no I've not heard of it. Is it any good?
DAISY (slurred)
the book -is it any good? Keep up my dear. 'Wink'
Keep up?? Youre the one who takes all night to answer a simple question!
eF-wY-eye I do have a life in italics. I dont remember complaining when you took 3 DAYS in capitals to respond to the comment I posted about ants last month
I was having my appendix out! This is dumb. I'm leaving.
meh. 'Shrugs'
[As DAISY stands up to go, RICHARD looks round the restaurant and then scoots his chair over to the nearest occupied table and interupts their conversation]
Things that annoy you dot dot dot. Mine are fingerless gloves and women who cant park properly. 'Smile'
(sorry about the layout,am still getting to grips with how things show up in posts)