Wednesday 29th July 2009 1:01am
69,779 posts
Quote: Leevil @ July 28 2009, 9:48 PM BST
Yes. Definitely. Although it does depend on the shop.
What do you use instead of milk?
I use the Shop Brands Soya Milk or if I'm treating myself Alpro Soya (which tastes a lot closer to real milk) In general soya milk tastes like watered down milk, but you get used to it and to be fair, real semi skimmed is just water downed milk anyway.
Good vegan cheese is hard to find. There's a vegan cheese in America called Teeze and it's meant to replicate stringy pizza cheese really well. Haven't tried it though, because it has to be imported.
There's lots of great vegan cheese spreads though. With a range and taste just like real cheese spread. There's also slices, but they're expensive and I don't think it's worth thr price for just 8 slices.
Annnd! It's quite easy to make your own cheese sauces and fondues. Usually involves flour, nutritional yeast and nuts mixed in a blender.
Hope that helps. 

Aw, you helpful little bunny.
I really hate the taste of soya milk, so I've been using Lactofree milk (which tastes just like normal milk). Lactofree also do a cheese, which tastes just like normal cheddar.
I miss all the nice different crumbly cheeses though. 
And I need something I can use on a pizza. Maybe I try that Teeze one.
Is interesting, but annoying. I wish I was normal.