British Comedy Guide

Talking Turkey


BERT: Alright Fred? Any news on the job front?

FRED: Nagh! Nothing doin...i was offered one job, a bit of temp work over xmas.

BERT: What was that then?

FRED: Modelling.

BERT:Nice one! Where at?

FRED: Big place up the road...Bernard Mathews...i went for a look round but i turned it down.

BERT: What for?

FRED: You should have seen the pratts they wanted me to work with, a right bunch of stiffs, all done up like a dogs dinner, and cold! It was bloody freezing, so i said no thanks and i was off.

BERT: Don't blame you, i'd have done the what you doin for xmas?

FRED: Off round to the in laws.

BERT: Lucky you...what's on the menu?

FRED: I think they're having a Muslim this year, they only eat that halal meat now.

I liked the idea - but not sure about the punchline

Yeah i wasn't sure about the punchline, but i liked the idea of a turkey being invited for xmas dinner instead of being the main course, and it just slotted in.

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