British Comedy Guide

I forgot to introduce myself....

I found this site in September while looking for assistance with my comedy script. While looking at one particular item I decided to actually have a gander at the whole sight including the forums. You guys seemed so friendly towards each other and virtually everyone seems to have something helpful to add to a conversation that I decided right there I was going to join up.

So about me...My name is Deferenz and I live in West Sussex. I have one wife, one cat and one car. During the day I wear a suit and do the work of a tax accountant. At night I wear scruffs, stare at my laptop screen and wonder how I can stop doing the work of a tax accountant. Apart from 'Er indoors' I have two passions in life, horror and comedy. I have a large horror film collection and a growing sitcom collection.

I have been interested in writing since around the age of 16 (I'm now 36). I've done little bits here and there and once sent some material to Viz Comic (sadly got no where) But at the start of the year I began what I feel is my first serious comedy project. It sarted with one of those things we all pray for - A Good Idea! Problem was I could only get so far with it on my own before the creative juices downed tools and went to the pub. A friend of mine who also writes was also having matrimonial disputes with his creative side so one day I decided to do something about it. The conversation went like this:-

Def: You know that idea I had for a sitcom.
Him: Yes.
Def: Well I'm having trouble, you know, fleshing it out.
Him: Well if you need any help or suggestions then I could throw in ideas.
Def. That would be pretty cool.
Him: Coffee?
Def: Yeah.
Him: Good.
Def: You know that when we have been working on separate writing ideas..
Him: Yeah
Def: ..and we help each other out with plots and characters and it actually works really well when we work together?
Him: Yeah, much better actually than when either of us writes alone.
Def: Yes, well I've had an idea for how to do this comedy script.
Him: And?
Def: Why don't we write it together?
Him: Yeah, alright.
Def: Cool.
Him: Do you take milk in your coffee?
Def: Yes.

And that's how my writing partnership began. Since sticking both our brains in the same cooking pot our work has really started to look at last slightly legible and I think I have even detected sentences once or twice. Our first script is very close to completion and we have started to flesh out ideas for other sitcoms. Honestly, writing sitcom is the most fun I've had since being 10 years old at Christmas time. At the same time it is as frustrating as being a teenager and watching your best mate get off with the girl you've always fancied. I wouldn't change it though, and long may it all continue!


Afternoon. :)

I like cats.

Helloooo and welcome to B.S.G... It may seem we like each other...but really everyone hates each other and there's another site where we slag each other off. It's called B.O.G. (Bitchin' Online Groups) Jokes! :)

RAAAAAAAAAAR! Angry You WHORE! Angry Angry Angry

Wrong site Aaron - you toss bag!

Welcome Wave

Shut it you slaagggs! (and you SlaaggA)

YoYo my friend & welcome. :)

Quote: EllieJP @ November 8, 2007, 2:32 PM

Wrong site Aaron - you toss bag!


:( I don't like all these hurtful comments...It's a job and I have to do it!

Oldest job in the world - and it pays well!

(Well, I assume it does. I have no personal experience. Ahem.)

Any way - We're a happy bunch of people...and don't believe everything Aaron writes! :)

Welcome comrade.

Hi Deferenz, welcome to the board. I lived in West Sussex up until coming here 11+ years ago ... nice part of the UK. Have fun ...

Ellie is a fine, upstanding citizen.

Not at all a slut, whore, or desperate slag.

Hi Deferenz, welcome to the BSG Wave

Quote: Aaron @ November 8, 2007, 2:40 PM

Oldest job in the world - and it pays well!

Oldest job? How did the punter pay for it then smartbum (thought i'm join in the friendly conversation)


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