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Brit Newbie

I'm new here and I feel I should introduce myself just a little!
Despite my somewhat Iberian-sounding logon id. - I'm a Brit. I've lived in Spain for 10 years after messing with computers for a very long time in the UK as my 'day job' (actually it was quite fun at the time but these days I'm just as clueless about the darn things as everyone else!).
Anyway, I have three 'passions' (after paying attention to my family of course!).
First is music, I play the blues after a fashion, all the parts, multi-tracking.
Secondly I paint, which is how I started to adopt the name 'losaavedra' a while back (which looks a bit better on the bottom of my efforts than does my real name).
Thirdly I just LOVE SitCom. Despite not really keeping up with the latest offerings (I usually watch one episode then get tired of them these days) I do appreciate the 'old' classics. I've done a bit of collaborative work, via the net, with some UK guys since I've been here. The team Leader (I was given the grandiose title of 'Chief Advisor' in these efforts) unfortunately died. He was a lovely guy, I cried a lot when he went. In the process of doing what we did, I came up with 100-or-so 'possible' SitCom themes, also wrote a fairly long piece on what (I at least) thought SitCom was all about. Also the TL came up with an idea (a kind of game) for generating Comedy Scripts which I documented. Finally, because we ALL (eventually) purchased and ALL READ Rib Davis's book ('Writing Dialogues For Scripts' ISBN 0-7136-4802-3) I wrote a synopsis of it to bring out the specific comedy references. (go buy the thing ... its readable and re-readable when you're really stuck!).
OK, so where next with this? I came to this forum 'cos I would still like to get involved with others who are SERIOUSLY interested in SitCom writing. I think it can be done as a collaborative effort via the Internet (email, etc.) with maybe the odd local meet up of those in the same country. BTW Anybody here who asks for them (via a PM I guess) will be sent a copy of the stuff I have available so far (mentioned above) which hopefully will help the process.
I'm kinda interested particularly in some group coming up with another real classic. Yes I know its very hard to do but one may as well try. I'll stick my moneysworth in (ok ... not actual money. but nevertheless effort).
Oh, and my name's Mike ... and Ive just turned 63, thus I'm completely senile and heading for the twilight zone!!!!
Love and Peace (see, I really am that old!)

hola mike! estudio espanol en el colegio! soy Robyn-vivo en Londres-and WELCOME!

Spain?! >_<

But seriously, welcome. Always good to have new people. :)

Well, OK, I'm located in Spain, but only because I moved here 10 years ago to avoid crazy UK living costs. I was in England up until then, West Sussex to be exact. Despite the fact that my youngest daughter (then 14) who came with us, was long ago 'Spanish fluent' ... me I can only manage supermarket-speak, builders merchants, electrician-speak (sometimes), Chemists, and a few other (uhm) special cases. I could understand Robyn's greeting, but if anyone throws really complicated Spanish at me, I'll go all coy!!! I'm here because the climate is nice, and most things are silly-cheap compared to dear 'ole blighty!!! For example, where else in the world can I sink a litre of drinkable red plonk in the evening (grown down the road somewhere) for around 45 cents (cheaper than Pepsi) and endure local rates, for a six bedroomed house on an acre, that haven't yet managed to get up to 70 quid a year? Nevertheless it can be quite hard (physical) work. We have a 150-or-so orange trees to look after and everything else grows like crazy too (lemons, grape vines, date palms, medlars) and the chickens have to be fed, and we currently don't know where the darn duck is laying eggs ... life is hard ... well maybe not all the time!
However I hope I can contribute some useful stuff to this forum. Despite the jokiness of the above I'm serious about the SitCom interest and you'll be hearing more from me shortly!!!

Ah, sounds nice and cheap - still couldn't do without my British food though. Or with the Spanish weather.

you and the fish and chips aaron

Not much of a fan of fish, but yes, that's the principle of it.

Well lossaverda, if you get tired of that humdrum life, I'll swap ya!

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