Wednesday 25th September 2024 1:08am [Edited]
1,216 posts
Apologies for the late entry. No bother if it's too late to consider.
Commentary Gantry.
It's Vance Conrad and Ray Husky here and you join us live pitchside for the swimming final. Sorry, have I the right notes?...Grass swimming is it?
Maybe we were given the wrong directions.
Yes we were actually. The pool is actually behind us. We'll just swivel around...and here we are.
I might be a bit late, my chair won't swivel.
Just lift it and turn it so that it's facing the pool.
I'd love to but it's welded down.
In that case you'll just have to face the opposite direction and guess what's happening.
Right you are.
And I've swivelled at the perfect time, you didn't Ray as you can't turn at all.
Valbueno there in lane one. He won bronze in Tokyo by mistake, he meant to win gold.
In lane two we have Victor Pendragon. He's 28 now. He would of course be 30 if this even was being held two years from now. In three there's
Clover Dufftester known of course for having huge hands like a fish.
Yes, massive hands altogether... I'd say.
In lanes four and five we have the Rottegen twins Jack and Jeff. No one can tell them apart, including me.
And me...probably.
And we've one triplet in six, in lane seven is Harry Crobson who took a huge bronze in his last competition which was a bit unfair as he only finished fifth. And in eight we have Marden Selkirk in the feathers and closest to my voice. Ray...
I'm really looking, um, hearing forward to what will happen here. It's a strong field in the water and there will only be a twist of a chair in it I'd imagine.
And they're under starters orders
And they're off! Straight away it's one of the Rottegen twins that takes the it Jack or Jeff, it's impossible to tell.
Its Jack. I'd know that stroke anywhere, is what I'd be saying if I could see it.
It's Victor Pendragon in lane two in second. Not just because he is in lane two you understand. And he's keeping an eye on Clover Dufftester in three who can't or won't reciprocate the observance as he has decided to swim in blinkers. Speaking of not seeing, what can you not see right now Ray?
I love the way I can't see what's going on at all right now Vance. It really adds to the excitement. It's lane eight that we need to be listening to. Selkirk in the feathers, helps him to swim as good as any bird, alive or dead.
Before we reach the business end of this race, what's happening on your side?
It's a horserace and they're well and truly underway. The favourite, number two...Dover Tuffcluster has taken the lead in the swimming trunks. I wonder was there some sort of wardrobe mixup with-
There isn't time as we've reached the business end suddenly and they're all practically level. It's neck and neck and neck and neck and neck and neck and neck and neck as they race water wise. And it looks like Clover Dufftester is gaining a slight advantage. Maybe those blinkers are paying off after all. But what's this, it's the horse Dover TuffCluster in the trunks that's now passing them all out. It's Dover Tuffcluster from Clover Dufftester as they swap uniforms back with each other. What a dramatic end. What started as a-
And it's also Dover Tuffcluster here that looks to be taking victory in the Willow Banklet Stakes but now a man in blinkers in swimming up the track and making great ground. It's got to be the one and only Clover Dufftester! It looked like a draw to me and I finally got to see something so I should know. Yes, it's going to a stewards enquiry. So we go to steward enquirian Ernie Badbadger in the swimming cap and goggles.