British Comedy Guide

Hallo folks

Neddie Seagoon enthusiast and fond of BBC radio more generally, wanted somewhere I could go and shout 'He's fallen in the water!' and figured this was it.

Occasionally I have been known to watch something made after the millennium, if it's BBC Cymru or has Michael Sheen in it.

I also programme amateur text adventures and make a nice Yorkshire pud.

You are very much welcome as us Goon fans are a bit thin on the ground, and I would say I'm No. 1 fan on this forum - hence too my avatar/name

Also very high up there is an appreciation of The Lad Himself of East Cheam

With your name, you should go well with a plate

Ah, you've sussed out my plan for an icon. As soon as I can be bothered to find the right sort of picture of a plate, cut it down to size, upload, etc etc.

Hancock is a treasure and so's his supporting cast.

Welcome, Teaspoon!
I am a plate

Good lord, so you are.

I can see I'll have to change my icon plans. A baroque teapot, perhaps? A butter mold? An 18th century lobster fork?

In any event, hello hello hello.

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