British Comedy Guide

Lazybones (1935)

Thank heavens this was only about an hour long, as I was losing the will to live, what with not one joke to laugh at, and I think the only thing that kept me going was seeing the very pretty American actress Claire Luce, who I'd never heard of.

Couple of actors though I had seen occasionally in the form a Michael Shepley and the Irish Sara Allgood who seems to pop up whenever a jolly Irish cleaning lady cum housekeeper is needed.

Oh, and I nearly forgot the creepy sex pest (in real life) Miles Malleson


Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 16th August 2024, 3:52 PM

Oh, and I nearly forgot the creepy sex pest (in real life) Miles Malleson


Really? I've not read that.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 16th August 2024, 9:40 PM

Really? I've not read that.

Oh yes! Notorious for it, groping the ladies and making lewd suggestions

I've read that in a number of articles, including the excellent one by Graham McCann from 4 years ago, and apart from him being an committed Communist, I quote:

"Miles Malleson was considered to be, to put it bluntly, a sex pest............."

"Young female performers grew used to expecting, and evading, his lascivious overtures from the start to the finish of each production with which he was involved. On one particular occasion at the 1959 Edinburgh Festival, when Judi Dench and Maggie Smith were appearing together alongside Malleson in a Restoration comedy called The Double Dealer, the pair of them ended up locking themselves in the lavatories between the matinée and evening performances in order to avoid his unwelcome but persistent advances ('He was always after us,' Dame Judi later confirmed)."

It's a long chronicle, but the details of his "other life", can be read in full near the end of the article

I also like the idea that he was so vain, if he was required to wear a wig for a part, he would wear it on top of his own toupée, and I remember seeing one of his very early films with him completely bald, before I presume he fancied himself as a ladies' man

Ok, thanks. I shall look at him in a different light in the future.

As I did, when I realised what he was like, but having said that, he is always enjoyable in his parts, with his air of bumbling vagueness, which always makes me smile.

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