Friday 20th September 2024 7:10pm [Edited]
14,196 posts
A black Republican governor that Trump boasted was 'better than Martin Luther King' has been caught out claiming his is a 'black nazi' on a dating site
He also claims slavery was good and he wished they'd bring it back so he could buy some
He also claims he enjoys watching transgender porn - despite demonising the transgender community with hateful slurs for years
Yep - Trump attracts all the f**king despicable weirdos...
" I surround myself only with the best and most serious people"
Yep people with views like this...
that transgender women should be arrested for using women's bathrooms. if they need to relieve themselves, they should "find a corner outside somewhere," to use his exact words.
that political assassinations are necessary. again, to use his own words, "some folks need killing."
that stories about the Holocaust -- once again, to use his own words -- are hogwash.
that Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby got railroaded by the woke mob.
that Michelle Obama is a man.
that women should not have the right to vote.