British Comedy Guide

General Election 2024 Page 4

Make it stop.

Yes. I started this thread. I think I'll give it a miss now as well as the news one though.

If you don't wanna contribute fine , don't

Please don't clog it up with your whining and tantrums 😢😭😢🥺🥺

Thanks 🙏

P.s it's now 76 quitters ABANDON SHIP!

P.p.s. Cabinet minister Michael Gove will not stand at the next election, the BBC understands. 🤣🤣🤣

Remember when Penny said "we need to stand up and FIGHT!"

Bunch o pussies

Quote: Chappers @ 24th May 2024, 6:06 PM

Yes. I started this thread. I think I'll give it a miss now as well as the news one though.

I did think it was a touch naïve to think it would turn out any different.

Quote: lofthouse @ 24th May 2024, 5:15 PM

Sunak turned up in Ireland today to visit the Titanic exhibition.....

That's...the Titanic..........

Nah, he's making it too easy now 🤣

75 Tory MPs have now announced they are abandoning this particular sinking ship before they hit a massive f**king iceberg

(How many Tory voters are there in Ireland anyway? )

Not many but then the Titanic exhibition centre is in Belfast in the UK, so I think he's showingTory support for NI's continued UK sovereignty against the efforts of EU and Ireland to pull it away from us especially with the EU friendly Starmer in power.

It is a bit odd Sunak chose July 4th. Historically a date associated with a massive British defeat.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 25th May 2024, 8:15 AM

It is a bit odd Sunak chose July 4th. Historically a date associated with a massive British defeat.

Well someone British will have a victory.

Any 18 year olds who were umming and arring about voting Conservative - may have made their minds up tonight....


I guess the National service idea is aimed purely at their remaining main voter base

Which is now mainly... the over 80's ?

I was reading today that you shouldn't vote for who you want but against who you don't want.

On the plus side, none of the options are as bad as Trump! If the Tories lose , they will at least relinquish power peacefully.

A Conservative defence minister rejected the prospect of national service TWO DAYS before the Tories announced they would introduce it if they win the General Election. Andrew Murrison said there were "no plans" to restore the policy, saying that it could damage morale if "potentially unwilling" recruits were forced to serve alongside armed forces personnel.

In a statement on behalf of the Government responding to a written parliamentary question published on Thursday, after Mr Sunak had called a July 4 election, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence People and Families said: "If potentially unwilling national service recruits were to be obliged to serve alongside the professional men and women of our armed forces, it could damage morale, recruitment and retention and would consume professional military and naval resources.

Two f**kin days!

And they say Starmer flip flops

Yeah, the yoof should be allowed to malinger, smoke weed, and wander the streets unrecognisable in their hoodies.
Don't be giving them a job or purpose in life and certainly no responsibility. It's what Britain was built on.

And there we have it

Thats who this gimmick is aimed at - the people that ridiculously generalise ALL 18 year old people as lazy, drugged up scumbag 'yoofs'

Anyway, if that was true, I don't think the Army are too keen on wasting their time and resources on lazy junkies

Can I do my National Service "from home"?

You won't need to

Ain't gonna happen

No Tory will be introducing anymore policies for at the very least five years

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