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General Election 2024 Page 16

Yeah stay in the gutter where you belong with all the other plebs and proles

Don't try to make something of yourself and try to make a difference to society- just shut your mouth and work in a factory or empty bins

Leave the important stuff like running the country to educated intellectuals like Boris f**king Johnson

She will be the second most powerful person in Great Britain soon - what the f**k have you stuck up snobby sods ever achieved ?!


I'm no fan of Rayner, but it is quite weird the hatred right wingers have for somebody who is white working class and English.

Having a better command of the English language at least.

Cue cartoon heartfelt proud to be stupid socialist inverted snob response. It tends to matter how people speak in the highest folds of public life, snobbery or not, life tends to work that way in reality. Do you really think Sir Sneer Starmer wouldn't want someone who at least had some interest in her school lessons as deputy? He doesn't want her there and can't do anything about it, due to Old Labour's selection set up. He just prays she doesn't embarrass him too much with her old romantic poor northern victim shtick while saying the wrong actual words.

Quote: chipolata @ 8th June 2024, 12:12 PM

I'm no fan of Rayner, but it is quite weird the hatred right wingers have for somebody who is white working class and English.

We need to know our place

Quote: chipolata @ 8th June 2024, 12:12 PM

I'm no fan of Rayner, but it is quite weird the hatred right wingers have for somebody who is white working class and English.

No hatred at all from me, I think she's more genuine than Starmer, but the old labour Left's relentless class war with New Labour who actually get them elected is threatening to hold them back again - no good at maths or figures equals can't be trusted on the economy, can't speak without dropping their Ts and proud of it equals can't be left in charge of education - Reality rules with voters, not rosy tinted romantic utopian tosh.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 8th June 2024, 12:38 PM

No hatred at all from me, I think she's more genuine than Starmer, but the old labour Left's relentless class war with New Labour who actually get them elected is threatening to hold them back again - no good at maths or figures equals can't be trusted on the economy, can't speak without dropping their Ts and proud of it equals can't be left in charge of education - Reality rules with voters, not rosy tinted romantic utopian tosh.

Except they and she will win. Again, I'm no fan of Rayner but the vitriolic hatred levelled at her is disproportionate to her 'crimes'.

Where's the hatred again? In your head not mine. Just valid criticism of some who want to run the country.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 8th June 2024, 12:52 PM

Where's the hatred again? In your head not mine. Just valid criticism of some who want to run the country.

I never mentioned you. I'm talking generally about the hate she gets, although the fact that BCG members use a malopropism (is that how you spell it?) as conclusive proof that somebody is stupid and unfit for office is strange and calls into question their lack of critical thinking. Especially when you consider some of the clods and dingbats of both parties who have held high office in this country .

And I say that as somebody who doesn't even like Angela bloody Rayner!

Definitely coming across as class hatred. It's really very admirable that someone from such a poor background can achieve such success in the face of such adversity and snobby attitudes like this.
Hopefully we shall see less of this kind of prejudice if Labour prevail next month.

It's another story about the Emporer's new clothes.
If you can't see how clever and beautiful she is then you are a fool.

I guarantee 1000000000% , Angela Rayner would never, ever entertain saying "let the bodies pile high..."

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 8th June 2024, 1:44 PM

It's another story about the Emporer's new clothes.
If you can't see how clever and beautiful she is then you are a fool.

I'm not sure you really 'got that story. It wasn't about a bunch of men bullying a working class woman because she wasn't posh enough.

It's unrealistic romantic rubbish to say education and class don't matter if you want to get on in this of all countries. Are you really telling me education, social class and how you speak in public didn't have anything to do with Labour's catastrophic loss in 2019?

Comrade Corbyn had brought in every Little England hating hard lefty he could find from a union and charity background to scare the shite out of the average Brit. Shadow ministers were interviewed slagging off the establishment with less eloquence than Wayne & Waynetta Slob, a major if not flaunted reason Oxford educated Surrey boy Starmer vowed to change the image of the party back to what it was under Blair.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 8th June 2024, 1:32 PM

definitely class hatred. It's really very admirable that someone from such a poor background can achieve such success in the face of such adversity and snobby attitudes like this.

Not saying she didn't work hard for it at all but she didn't face any adversity or snobbery in getting where she is. Conversely she was helped all the way because of her 'lower class status' by the unions, who control the selection process as stated.

Non uni educated working class trade union hard lefty leader picks out one of their own as union rep which soon gets her elected into the left leaning labour party under Miliband, then when hard left leader Comrade Corbyn steps down after landslide GE defeat they install their Corbyn supporting ally as deputy leader to mitigate against arch enemy Starmer's purging of the lefties. The worst class hatred has come from the hard left.

An anonymous Tory mp claiming Rayner spreads her legs in Parliament to distract male MP's as it's the only thing she's got going for her due to her lack of Oxford Union debate training - tells you all you need to know about the arseholes who think they have a God given right to rule

Raab also seemed to have a real issue with the likes of her going to the Opera one evening - how dare she, was the Bingo hall closed that night ?

P.s. Where is that prick now?

"Scum" indeed

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