Alfred J Kipper
Saturday 8th June 2024 3:11pm [Edited]
8,489 posts
Quote: Chris Hallam @ 8th June 2024, 1:32 PM
definitely class hatred. It's really very admirable that someone from such a poor background can achieve such success in the face of such adversity and snobby attitudes like this.
Not saying she didn't work hard for it at all but she didn't face any adversity or snobbery in getting where she is. Conversely she was helped all the way because of her 'lower class status' by the unions, who control the selection process as stated.
Non uni educated working class trade union hard lefty leader picks out one of their own as union rep which soon gets her elected into the left leaning labour party under Miliband, then when hard left leader Comrade Corbyn steps down after landslide GE defeat they install their Corbyn supporting ally as deputy leader to mitigate against arch enemy Starmer's purging of the lefties. The worst class hatred has come from the hard left.