Thursday 11th April 2024 7:29pm [Edited]
2,720 posts
PIP:Mum, Dad - I'd like you to meet Jenny.
JEN: Oh dear.
PIP:Right, that seemed pretty rude, to be honest. What's the problem?
MUM:There's no problem, precisely, son, it's just, when you said you'd introduce us to Jenny we...well...
DAD:We thought you meant Genet. Jean Genet.
PIP:The French writer?
PIP:But that's insane.
MUM:We happen to be great admirers of Notre Dame des Fleurs, actually. Maybe you young people think that tales of the criminal demimonde are fuddy duddy and old hat, but we like them.
DAD:If it's insane to admire the author of Marche Funebre, then I guess I must be absolutely doolally!
PIP:Regardless, this is Jenny. Not Genet.
MUM:The trouble is, dear, you mumble on the phone. We thought you said your girlfriend was Genet. It's quite understandable.
PIP:It's not understandable to think my girlfriend was a man - and one who died in 1982!
DAD:This is like your last girlfriend all over again.
PIP: Oh God, I'd forgotten what you were like with Valerie.
MUM:Nice enough girl, I suppose but not a symbolist bone in her body.
JEN:Look, I'm really sorry I'm not a deceased French novelist -
DAD:And screenwriter!
MUM:Christ, yes, don't forget Un Chant d'Amour and Les Rêves Interdits!
JEN:- but I really like Pip, and I think our relationship might be quite serious, so I hope we can all be friends. And, look, you could call me by my middle name, if it helps you to forget Gallic Modernism.
DAD: Oh, right, and what's that?
MUM: Oh my gosh!
PIP:What, mum?
MUM:Beverley! It's just...we always hoped one day you'd settle down with a Yorkshire coastal market town.
JEN:[SIGH] This isn't going to work.
DAD:Hey, love - can I have a look at your minster?