TOM Hey, I'm getting artificial intelligence.
DICK I'm sure that's only half true.
TOM I don't understand.
DICK Are you completely stupid?
TOM I don't understand that either.
DICK Shut up.
TOM Can I show you something?
DICK Do I have a choice?
TOM Nope. Name a female celebrity.
DICK Angela Merkel.
TOM No, a sexy one.
DICK Then I refuse to participate. I don't consider it terribly mature or respectful or 'new bloke' to look at a member of the opposite sex as a mere object.
TOM Britney Spears.
DICK That said, I welcome a second opinion.
TOM Good. Now, who's this? (shows him a photo on his phone)
DICK (shrugs) Britney Spears.
TOM Yeah, I know who it is.
DICK Then why did you...?
TOM Shut up. And now, getta loada THIS... (presses a button)
DICK (looks; does a double-take) Wow! It can't be... Britney Spears with all her clothes on.
TOM Yup, as clothed as the day after she was born.
DICK Britney in her twenty-first birthday suit! I never thought I'd see the day.
TOM It really is a dream come true.
DICK It's the end of an era.
TOM The end of civilisation as we never knew it.
DICK Yeah, but worse than that, it could be the end of Britney Spears! I mean, what if a paparazzi gets hold of this with his free hand?
TOM It doesn't bear thinking about... But it has to be fake.
DICK Yeah, but who was it who said, Splash enough about and someone'll swallow it?
TOM Jimmy Savile?
DICK I didn't know he was Catholic.
TOM Shut up... I can see the headlines now: 'Britney keeps her clothes on. And her hair. And doesn't smash the f**k out of a motorbike like a f**king nutter.'
DICK Don't worry, that'll never make 'the Sun'.
TOM Too shocking?
DICK No, more than two words... You know, I almost feel sorry for her.
TOM Nah, she's a celeb. She knew the risks. And in the words of Gordon Ramsay, If you can't stand the heat...
DICK F**k off out of it.
TOM That's not very nice.
DICK No, that's what he said.
TOM Shut up... And with the endless potential of Artificial Intellgents, you can see ANY celeb you like with every stitch of clothing on.
DICK Cameron Diaz...
TOM Megan Fox...
DICK Alina Jenkins...
TOM Oooh, steady on.
DICK But Tom.
TOM What's that, Dick?
DICK (looks down) Oops, sorry.
TOM It'll never catch on.
DICK (winces) I think it just did.
TOM But don't you think this constant bombardment of fake news, at-the-fingertips inebriation and total f**king shit may result in heightened attention-deficit syndromes, accelerate the already jeopardised cognitive decline and basically turn us all into a bunch of morons?
DICK I don't understand that either.