British Comedy Guide

Douglas Is Cancelled Page 3

Just watched episode 3. It's reminded me of the reason that I have a rule not to watch new "comedies". A long drawn out and tedious episode leading nowhere and with no comedy in sight.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 11th July 2024, 10:00 PM

Just watched episode 3. It's reminded me of the reason that I have a rule not to watch new "comedies". A long drawn out and tedious episode leading nowhere and with no comedy in sight.

You can't say you weren't warned about the lack of jokes.

That's true; I'm a fool to myself.

It almost turned from Anti-Woke to Ultra Woke.

I thought it was a bit cleverer than that.

I'm not sure it was entirely successful, but I think by the end it turned into something more interesting than I thought it would. Then again, it wasn't really about cancel culture, which may be why some viewers feel short changed (not me, mind).

I don't feel short changed because it wasn't about cancel culture (in any case as far as I have seen so far it has been although I still have one episode to come yet); I feel short changed because - once again - a programme which includes the description "comedy" is lacking in comedy. If something is perceived as

Quote: Chappers @ 9th July 2024, 1:47 PM

very dark.

then, quite clearly, it cannot, at the same time, be humorous. By all means have "dark" dramas but let's keep the genres separate rather than promoting it as a "comedy". Much like Inside Number 9. There is such a thing as the Trade Descriptions Act.

The best system is to simply watch the trailer and see if you like the look of it.
Nomenclature is a horribly blunt-edged instrument.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 12th July 2024, 1:02 PM

I don't feel short changed because it wasn't about cancel culture (in any case as far as I have seen so far it has been although I still have one episode to come yet); I feel short changed because - once again - a programme which includes the description "comedy" is lacking in comedy. If something is perceived as

then, quite clearly, it cannot, at the same time, be humorous. By all means have "dark" dramas but let's keep the genres separate rather than promoting it as a "comedy". Much like Inside Number 9. There is such a thing as the Trade Descriptions Act.

It's dramedy. TV is full of them.

Quote: Lazzard @ 12th July 2024, 2:45 PM

The best system is to simply watch the trailer and see if you like the look of it.
Nomenclature is a horribly blunt-edged instrument.

The flaw in that suggestion is that, as far as I know, excerpts from episode 3 (or 4)were not shown in the trailers. Certainly not before the series aired. They only showed trailers of the earlier episode(s), which were reasonably light hearted and humorous. No darkness was involved.

Quote: chipolata @ 12th July 2024, 3:42 PM

It's dramedy. TV is full of them.

Never heard of it. It certainly wasn't advertised as such ("comedy drama" they said). In any case it's still signifying the word "comedy" in the description. However you like to dress it up.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 12th July 2024, 4:02 PM

The flaw in that suggestion is that, as far as I know, excerpts from episode 3 (or 4)were not shown in the trailers. Certainly not before the series aired. They only showed trailers of the earlier episode(s), which were reasonably light hearted and humorous. No darkness was involved.

That, I'm afraid is down to the rather poorly constructed & particularly inconsistent piece of writing by Moffatt.
(Unless it was designed to lure the unsuspecting - in which case it worked)
I, in contrast, nearly didn't watch it because of the trailer.
But I think, in the bulk of cases, my point stands.

Watched the final episode.

As a drama it was fine. Quite enjoyable in fact. As a comedy it was pretty rubbish. Let's get our genres sorted out.

Glad I didn't bother

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 19th July 2024, 7:51 PM

Watched the final episode.

As a drama it was fine. Quite enjoyable in fact. As a comedy it was pretty rubbish.

Yeah, that sums it up for me too. A decent drama, though clunky dialogue at times.

The scenes with Nick Mohammed, and the end bits with Joe Wilkinson driving a taxi, were presumably supposed to be the comedy bits, but they seemed tacked on and pointless. A shame, as they can both be funny in other things.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 19th July 2024, 7:51 PM

Let's get our genres sorted out.

Or ditch them altogether?

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