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South Park

It's not technically a sitcom but I'm just wondering if people in England get the humor in South Park? It seems to me the show is heavy on social commentary so maybe it's too cultural to play well elsewhere.

I never get the Reginald Mauldling jokes when I watch Monty Python.

Yeah, some of us Brits get the humour in South Park. It has a cult following here and always makes me laugh. I'll admit that some of the references go over my head but then that's inevitable.

If it one thing Americans can do it animation

What’s not to like grow-up pretending to be foul-mouthed kids also made a great film.

Loved the uncle-f**ker song. Laughing out loud

It used to on our channel 4 but not seen a repeat for some time (shame)


My guess is that the average Brit will "get" South Park more than the average US viewer in loads of middle America (to use geographic stereotypes). We're (possibly?) more used to their anti-establishment tasteless style of comedy on our TVs than the USA is. Even if we don't always do it that well.
Speaking for me, I haven't seen South Park (the TV show) for ages, but in early seasons it was either 11/10 or 3/10 with not much in between. When it's good, it's genius - especially when they push the taste barriers. I fondly remember an episode when Mr Garrison felt his parents had abused him as a child by not subjecting him to sexual abuse.
The film was an excellent satire, as was Team America. I love the way they go into areas just across the line you think they shouldn't go.
I also love what I heard they did to Chef after Isaac Hayes quit. Hadn't he seen any of the series?

You can catch it a lot on MTV. I love it, and find myself laughing at it now a lot more that I do at the Simpsons. I think overall everyone gets it, however there's bound to be the odd reference here and there that we don't get, i.e certain news items that don't make it over here, that sort of thing.

I've seen the Chef episode when he leaves it, hashing together words from old episodes, badly, and making him into a paedo. It was basically a dig a Sciencetology (however you spell it).

The Movie is quite possibly my favourite comedy film. I avoided it for so long because I thought it was going to be a couple of episodes cobbled together, with more swearing in. I was wrong. It's hilarious. It's only recently I realised how much I liked it. A friend went to see Borat, and I asked if it was as funny as South Park - He then pointed out I ask that about every comedy film. I guess it's a bench mark for me.

Chef - Haven't you heard of Emancipation Proclamation?
General - I don't listen to Hip Hop.

I love South Park Cool

Me too. One of the USA's best comedies.

Yeas it's really good, although I'm not a huge fan of it. It's on Paramount Comedy all the time.

The stand out moment for me is when Cartman killed that kids parents and then got him to eat them.

It really is so Politically Incorrect. Timmy in the wheelchair, the bloke with the electronic voice box etc. It just annoys me that Isaac Hayes was quite happy when they took the piss out of everyone else but when it came to his religion he refused to take part. I can understand if he has these beliefs but if he is that religious he shouldn't join in knocking everything else.

Quote: David Chapman @ April 22, 2007, 9:05 PM

It really is so Politically Incorrect. Timmy in the wheelchair, the bloke with the electronic voice box etc.

I know it was half an excuse just to have disabled people on for the sake of it.

But the other half. I understand was apparently because where else do you see so many disabled people playing an average role in a t.v show like that? Timmy, Fetus face woman, the other guy?

So maybe it WAS politically correct.

This getting confusing.

Your right though Dave, Isaac Hayes was happy enough to take the piss out every other religion, so he was slightly hippocritical when he blasted them for taking the piss out of his.

Have you see the episodes where they kill him off, not sure if they got aired over here or not, but they have the Chef joining some paedo cult or something like that. No punches pulled.

Yeah I saw that.

I love it.

I love their non animated films too. Baseketball and erm.. that cannibal one - it's made really badly, looks like a student film, but it's hilarious.

I think it's called Cannibal: The Musical, there's also Orgazmo, which has some good jokes in it.

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