Born and brought up in Wimbledon, Wimbledon Theatre was naturally my family's go-to theatre for pantomimes and other shows. I saw Tommy Steele (a favourite of my 9 year old self) in Half A Sixpence there in 1963 before it went on to success in the West End. I saw Big Bad Mouse there with Jimmy Edwards & Eric Sykes. And I saw Morecambe and Wise there (to celebrate my grandparents' wedding anniversary).
The first pantomime I remember attending was Robin Hood in 1960 with Adam Faith:

I recall him asking for children to accompany him on stage for a song but, as we were in the circle, I wasn't in a position to join him. I have always blamed that on my failure to make a career as a pop singer (as they were called then).
Other notable pantomimes I saw at Wimbledon Theatre in the sixties included:
Aladdin in 1963 with Tommy Cooper and Hylda Baker:
Little Red Riding Hood in 1965 with Cilla Black, Jon Pertwee & Jack Haig:

Babes in the Wood in 1966 with Arthur Askey, Roy Castle & Lulu:

And, in1968, Terry Scott, Hugh Lloyd, Dickie Henderson & Peter Gilmore in Robin Hood (again):

In 1982, which was after my time as far as Wimbledon Theatre pantomimes were concerned unfortunately, there was a rather splendid line-up there of Eric Sykes, Brian Murphy, Roy Kinnear and Michael Robbins (Arthur from On the Buses who lived locally) in Dick Whittington: