The Conquixitor was a miracle ship of that there was no doubt. Having survived many pirate attacks, unimaginably dense fog, even sabotage, Captain Don Stavros trusted her like the back of his own back. When they got caught in the mighty Calagascar storms, Don and his crew knew they could rely on their trusted Conquixitor to guide them to safety; but they were wrong. Before the storm had even reached them, the ship had crumbled like a piece of crackerbread in a fat man's pocket.
Her crew fell disappointedly into the cold murky waters and were scattered to the four winds. Great was their surprise when the entire crew tasted the sands of the same beach. Pulled by an unknown force, possibly the tide, they had all washed up on the same island. Not just any island - a mysterious one. After Stavros convinced his men to stop eating the sand they set to work planning their escape.
They traversed many strange landscapes and encountered numerous peculiar occurrences on their quest.
They first had to navigate the undulating flats - an area of perfectly flat land that paradoxically also had many hills and valleys, peaks and troughs.
After surviving this confusing terrain with only minor befuddlement they came across an unusual tribe known as the flat undulators who were both 2d and 3d but had little else to recommend them.
For those who claim that words can't hurt, they have obviously never encountered the pits of sarcastic snakes whose tongues were as sharp as their tongues. Lavrov, Bailey and McCarthy were the most noticeable victims as the limped over the rickety bridge having got the most severe tongue lashings.
Just up ahead the sailors encountered a figure pointing towards a mountain. He looked like a reverse monk with a tuft of hair on top of his head instead of the traditional ring of hair around the sides. He was bedecked in gold medallions and expensive rings and vowed to live a life of luxury. Fittingly he was known as Brother Opposite.
The mountain provided its own set of challenges including a team of Sherlock Holmes impersonating foxes who made you prove your powers of deduction before negotiating the unpredictable Ridges of Terrible Stuff Altogether.
Finally they reached the mouth of a cave atop the mountain and it was here that they discovered what appeared to be a portal back to their own land. Captain Stavros addressed his men, his voice carrying a hint of excitement.
We have had one hell of an adventure men but it looks like we may be just one step away from rescue. We will return and regale all with tales of our encounters and make heroes of our fallen friends.
Um, what fallen friends sir?
Those who succumbed to the shipwreck and the hazards of the island. Who do you think I'm talking about McCarthy!?
Which friends sir?
Our colleagues Lavrov, our colleagues. I know some have had their differences but we'd still call them friends would we not?
Oh yes sir. Definitely.
Great. So to be on the safe side we will jump into the portal one by one. I'll lead the way then Lavrov, Bailey and continue in a clockwise direction.
Won't we need to have our story straight when we're quizzed on the other side.
If we're quizzed. This portal could rip us to shreds.
Yes and go the same way as our lost companions. Someone will need to keep their memories alive.
Whose memories sir?
We've been over this McCarthy. Those who died on our journey of course. What's wrong with you!?
I understand that sir but who died?
Who died? Who died!? many of us have made it to here?
Twelve sir.
And we had how many at the start of the mission?
Twelve sir.
So we've How on earth has that happened? Someone always dies in these adventures.
Not this time. We've all survived.
We can't have that. We have to be able to go back and say how we were determined to survive to keep our comrades memories alive. That's our whole angle.
So what do you suggest?
Someone's g-going to have to nominate themselves aren't they.
Nominate themselves for what?
For, know...for. Oh let's not beat around the bush. We don't know how long this portal is going to stay open. Someone's going to have to step up and take the hit.
What if we all jump into the portal and maybe some of us won't survive?
We can't leave it to chance. The portal looks quite safe. We'll have to do it here to be sure. Who's not a main character? Who's said nothing yet?
Me sir.
And me.
Me too.
Stop saying stuff now, trying to make yourselves main. Anyone who still isn't a main character stand over there. Now which of you chaps is willing to die a futile death? No? Meaningless? Anyone? Come on! Surely someone wants to die inconsequentially? We'll make a big deal of it when we get back.
That portal looks like it's getting a fair bit more dangerous sir. Maybe you could jump in, hopefully die and we'll tell all of your senseless gesture.
By george McCarthy it might just work. And up I go onto the edge and about to jump into the abyss and here I go and...
There's a ship approaching! Looks like a rescue ship sir! We're saved!
...but I'm jumpiiiing!!!
We're here! We're saved! Over here! Captain Stavros?
I'm come back to rescue you men! Hop aboard. Where am I?
You jumped into the portal sir. Remember?
I'll run up and get me.
Look. Another ship approaches. Captain Stavros is on it again.
Where did I go?
Into the portal.
Won't be a moment chaps. Will just go rescue me.
Another ship approaches. It's him again. You went into the portal! Will we just leave altogether?
We'll be sure that tales of Captain Don Stavros and his pointless gesture will be told for many years to come.
But is he dead then or what?
Close enough.