Here's a silly one for all you lovers of all things silly.
COP 1: Had much on today Bert?
COP 2: I'll say! We got a call from old man Jacob's from wood nook farm, said all hell had broken out at the Suliivan's farm just up the road. Shouting, screaming, gunshots the lot. Well me and my partner jumped into the car and off we went, body armour, CS gas, them stick things. Anyhow! When we arrived old man Sullivan and his son Thomas were havin a right go at each other, no idea what caused it, they'd both got the 12 bores out. Well you know they couldn't hit a barn door from ten paces, not with them being boss eyed. I ran towards old man Sullivan but he managed to get a round off before i could grab the gun,there were two goats in his firing line, one took the full force, poor little sod. My partner Charlie ran over to the lad, same again, got a shot off just before he got to him, the second goat copped the lot, riddled with shot.
COP 1: Poor little you managed to bring them in then?
COP 2: Oh yes, all the lot. The father, the son and the holey goats.
No animals were injured during the writing of this sketch.