Sunday 7th May 2023 5:01pm
9,174 posts
Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 7th May 2023, 3:57 PM
It does. A fair chunk of Crown Estate profits goes back to the treasury. The monarchy is not a (purely) self interest society, it serves the country its the head of, and while not elected, any referendum on it would keep it as the head of state. As for their family shenanigans, is it any worse than that of members of the govt. or many private citizens? And we had an effective republic, it lasted all of ten years so there must have been some kind of public consent to having a monarchy or they wouldn't have been reinstated.
I understand that.
One again, I'm not against the monarchy.
It could be trimmed down.
Less hangers-on (a process Charlie-boy seems to be setting in motion, God Bless him).
Those that work hard, work bloody hard.
Those that don't, don't.
It could give more to the State.
It's main job is tourism & jolly-ing people along -and, as a welcome side-benefit, means the question of Presidents etc etc doesn't come up.
Billy bragg rather eloquently put it on the R4 debate
"The first thing they need to do is pick a house"
And I'm not sure the public had much say in the re-instatement of King Charles II, as hardly anyone had the right to vote.
It wad the noblemen - keen to regain status and wealth - who saw to that.