Saturday 22nd April 2023 12:51pm [Edited]
2,719 posts
CAMDEN:"For sale: baby shoes, never worn". Oh, that is so sad.
GIRDWOOD:Absolutely heart-breaking. They'll never make their money back.
CAMDEN:What do baby shoes cost new? Tenner?
GIRDWOOD:Maybe fifteen. Assuming they're not, like, baby Jimmy Choo's.
CAMDEN:Woah there! If they were Jimmy Choo's the advert would definitely mention it. These are some bog-arse baby shoes.
GIRDWOOD:And you know what they say: baby shoes depreciate 70% as soon as you drive them away from Jojo Maman Bebe.
CAMDEN:Yeah, but it's not just that. I happen to know that Mr Robinson charges £2.95 a week to put one of these adverts in his window. This guy'll be lucky to break even.
GIRDWOOD:He should have sold the cot. You get good cash for a cot. If my baby died I'd definitely sell the cot.
CAMDEN:That's what's so tragic about it. He did sell the cot. Then he used the cot-money to pay for all these other adverts. Like this one, "for sale: baby hat: never worn".
GIRDWOOD:He could have put that on the shoe card, saved £2.95 right off the bat. Oh, blimey, there are loads of them. "For sale: twelve nappies, still packaged".
CAMDEN:"For sale: bottle, ideal for living baby".
GIRDWOOD:"For sale: t-shirt reading 'Daddy's extant child'".
CAMDEN:"For sale: baby wipes, never used on small cadaver".
GIRDWOOD:"For sale: bib, perfect for non-corpse".
CAMDEN:This is tearing me up inside, we need to have a word with him about his finances. What shall we say?
GIRDWOOD:Car boot profits offset infant loss.
CAMDEN: Ooh, only 6 words. Elegant.