A supermarket checkout. The checkout girl sits at the counter, eyeing an embarrassed young man that stands by her holding plastic bags.
Checkout Girl
So that's peanut butter, Vaseline, a watermelon and a toasting fork.
Young Man
Checkout Girl
Peanut butter, Vaseline, a watermelon and a toasting fork.
Young Man
Checkout Girl
Okay, £6.79 then please.
The young man pays and hurries out.
Checkout Girl
Have a good night sir.
The checkout girl grins and turns round to her colleague behind her.
Checkout Girl
There's always one...
The checkout girl turns as items begin to come down the belt. She nonchalantly picks up the first, a ski mask, and then looks down in confusion and horror as the mask is followed by a pair of pliers, a set of knives, a spade, a ten gallon drum and a bottle of fairy liquid.