Monday 4th April 2022 1:26pm [Edited]
2,719 posts
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 4th April 2022, 10:16 AM
To all men who have daughters. Do you want a woman with a penis (lol) stripping off in women's changing rooms flashing her tackle at them.
Or is it ok because she's a real woman?
Where has common sense gone? LIve your life as you see fit but don't abuse it as many do and outrage public decency.
Because that's what it is. A few probably mental cases want to do this and it's not right whatever anyone says.
You bring up an interesting point, in mentioning common sense, because discussions of trans people allows us to rethink our assumptions. So, ignoring the fact that it is convention, what specificaly is the issue is of someone's daughter seeing someone else's genitalia, of any sort, in a non-sexual environment? I'm not saying I'll argue with whatever you come up with, but I think the asnwer can't be "but it's obvious". It's periodically useful to actually confirm why we have social conventions and mores, and that they still make sense to us.
I also don't think it's useful to discuss the "mental cases" who want to expose themselves for sexual gratification. You can't build your social rules on the basis of what a small number of transgressors might do - the very fact that sexual exposure/harassment is already a criminal matter for cis-gendered people tells you this (ie, if I came up to you - or your young son - in the male changing room with a hard-on, or waving my dick in your face, you'd be able to call the police and get me arrested...or give me a punch up the backet, according to taste).
I don't have strong opinions on changing rooms, incidentally, and we may end up agreeing, but I'm just saying that in order to reach a final policy we as a society will need to go beyond "common sense" and "public decency" because I don't really believe those phrases have much concrete meaning.