Godot Taxis
Saturday 3rd September 2022 7:10pm
5,760 posts
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 3rd September 2022, 9:31 AM
Disenchanted with Son, already? ?
I really like Son, but I had to cripple my team to afford him and he returned one assist in four weeks. Moving early on Spurs assets f**ked me last season. Sometimes you've got to cut your losses. I've already been able to balance my team a bit more with his money, but still some way to go.
Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 3rd September 2022, 12:54 PM
That's a year's ban, a season long ban ends when that season does. So Don can compete next season.
Are you telling me, or inquiring?
Don deleted himself from the Clique and hasn't tried to rejoin it so he can't be punished with a season ban if he's not in the League he's been banned from. His ban starts next season when he tries to join again.
Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 3rd September 2022, 1:09 PM
Have you proof of this? as it seems highly unreasonable to ban someone on just an assumption. I also find this hard to accept, as Don only was only in this one private league, and is the joint top title winner, so why would you give that up for no real chance of a trophy in just the main public league of 9 million, even with two teams?
If I have time next week I'll explain it to you, but f**k me, it's not hard to understand what he's done.