British Comedy Guide

Short: Bugger!

Vaguely themed, as I keep forgetting to do this (maybe not so dramatically though).

Two smartly dressed Nazi officers sit at a bar. A suitcase lies at their feet. A clock is clearly positioned above the bar.

Officer 1
Well my friend, I believe that this time we've cracked it.

Officer 2
Indeed, in sixty-one minutes this little thing will go up and the Fuhrer will go with it.

Officer 1
You're sure that he's coming in an hour?

Officer 2

Officer 1
And Fritz gave you the RIGHT suitcase this time? Not luggage?

Officer 2
The right one, definitely.

Officer 1
Well, just time for the pints then.

The officers pick up pints from the bar, clink them together and - in time - begin to take long draughts. The barman enters and stares at the clock.

F**k me, I never remember to move it forward.

The barman pushes the hour hands of the clock round an hour. The officers are frozen in their draught and the beer runs down their faces.

Very good! You write a lot (it seems) about the military, do you have experience of army life etc?

Thanks for your comments!

No, the closest that I've come to combat is being chased by a group of CCF types. I'm a borderline pacifist and am far too young in anything but world war 1 terms. I agree that Don't Worry, Mr Johnson is a tad dark, but it's for a concert (charity, admittedly) at school, so it will amuse half and thoroughly disturb the other half.

Thanks again :)

Quote: Cinnamon @ October 31, 2007, 8:58 AM

The barman pushes the hour hands of the clock round an hour. The officers are frozen in their draught and the beer runs down their faces.

I don't get it?

But what I do like is the dialog its' short and to the point. Too many sketches on here have rambling dialog and it's like reading a tongue twister, so well done on that bit, lol. The action... let's just say it's all very well laid out.

But like I said, I didn't understand the punchline, which is ironic after complimenting you on how much I like the way you've written.

I got it! Very good! :)

Yep, yep I get it now, lol.


Heh, thanks.

Explaining incomprehensible jokes feels like admitting to a crime.

Yes, I'm glad you didn't.


Cinnamon another goodie!

nice one, very witty.

Thankamayou :)

This one's good!

Chears Dave.

The writing is tight, did I laugh..No, would I laugh if I saw it on tv? Yes if the actors pulled of a great visual performance at he end.
So basically I can see the potential if performed well.
I'm guessing you got the inspiration on Sunday

Good effort

I did indeed, and subsequently when the clocks inspired repeated confusion. I briefly wondered whether I was just and hour older than I should be.


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