Friday 4th February 2022 6:59pm [Edited]
2,720 posts
1:Miss Blessop, please send in Mr Kay for our eleven o'clock. [BEAT] Hang on, you're not Peter Kay! God, it's you again! How do you keep getting in here to pitch your idiotic sit coms?
2:Lovely, 4 sugars please; and one of them hairdresser's biscuits. Now, about my sit com. Picture this: 2 brothers, living in south-east London, barely keeping their heads above water whilst trading dodgy merchandise. Cheeky chappies by day, family troubles by night, an old seafaring uncle telling stories...and a load of guys doing composite resin molar repair!
2:You heard right: wheeler dealing, fraternal friction, and ginigivitis diagnoses. Only Fools & Dentists! Thoughts?
1: No!
2:Alright, check this one. Two brothers, living in south-east London, flogging half-inched appliances...and loads of jokes about the shape of linguine. Only Fools & Pasta!
1:'Obviously no.
2:Third time lucky. We're in south-east London, there's two guys -
2:Yeah, good guess. They sell Mickey Mouse gear in the market, but also there's this World Darts Federation Champion they call The Crafty Cockney, and -
1:I will not be buying Only Fools & Bristow! Every time you inveigle your way into my office, it's the same rigmarole. I've had Only Fools & Dripstands, Only Fools & Klaxons, Only Fools & Entrails -
2:Hallowe'en special!
1:I am not interested in any of your woeful attempts at shoe-horning random concepts into south-east London!
2:Yeah, but when I pitched you the exciting, international versions, you didn't want to know!
ddly, I had no interest in Only Fools & Brisbane, Only Fools & ABBA, or Only Fools & Vishnu.
2:You forgot Only Fools & Yashmaks.
1:I assure you I didn't and never, ever will. Do you really think you'll capture the magic of Only Fools & Horses just by replacing the horses? I mean, there weren't even any horses in it!
2: What about Trigger?
1:Have you ever even seen Only Fools & Horses?
on't need to. Because I'm imagining Only Fools & Limpets! Or maybe, Only Fools & SCART Leads.
1:None of these make any sense! None of these titles work! It's only "fools and horses" works!
2:Yeah, I heard that.
1:Now get out of here, and never return.
2:Alright, just before I go - assuming that frappuccino isn't going to materialise - just listen to one more idea. There's two brothers, in south-east London, and they have all this hooky products to sell. But they don't know where to store it, so they go to this importer with a lock-up in west London, who's just as dodgy as them. Madcap shenanigans ensue. I call it, Only Fools & Minder.
eal! Sign here - I assume this fee for 6 episodes will meet your approval.
2:Not half! But, I want no income tax.
1:I mean, that's completely out of my power.
2:Fair enough.