Hooray for chilly Sunday afternoons to knock up skit comp entries!
SAL: [BROAD SCOUSE] Alright, there, love, get yourself nice and comfy for Madam Sally. Have you ever done a séance, my darling?
ART: [WELSH] Yes, yes, a few times.
SAL: OK, so you know the drill, la. I'm just gonna dim the lights, and we'll sit quietly, and wait for the spirits to come, is that OK?
ART: Of course.
SAL: Right, lovely, my darling. Now, I'll be invoking my spirit guide - spirit guides are like keys to open the other world, OK?
ART: Fine
SAL: Smashing. Alright, I'm going under, I'm going under, oooh [TRAILS OFF] [SMALL IRISH VOICE] Oh, hello dere, who might you be, me fine fella?
ART: I'm Arthur. Who are you?
SAL: [IRISH] I'm little Bridie McDonagh. 'Tis true, I died in Donegal in 1824, but now I'm Madame Sally's spirit guide. Spirit guides are like keys to unlock the other world.
ART: So I've heard.
SAL: [IRISH] Who do ye want to find in the spirit world, Arthur?
ART: My auntie Gladys.
SAL: [IRISH] Tell me about your auntie Gladys.
ART: We were very close, I used to visit her a lot in her house in Walthamstow before she passed on.
SAL: [IRISH] To be sure I'll find her for you. Auntie Gladys, auntie Gladys, are you there? [COCKNEY] Yeah, I'm ere, luv. What do yer want? [IRISH] 'Tis only your aul nephew, Arthur, who's after asking about you [COCKNEY] Arfur? You alright son?
ART: Yes, auntie! So lovely to hear your voice.
SAL: [COCKNEY] Fanks. [IRISH] I think he might have meant me. [COCKNEY] Naah, luv. [IRSH] But I have a limpid, lilting brogue, sure and I do [COCKNEY] You do that, darling, but I fink he meant me all the same. So, Arfur [IRISH] Sorry about that mix-up there [COCKNEY] No trouble, poppet, Now, Arf- [IRISH] I don't want to interrupt you [COCKNEY] That's fine. [IRISH] Good [COCKNEY] Good. So...what happens now? [IRISH] Ah sure, anything you want. Arthur, my little shillelagh, what do you want to do?
ART: Auntie, can we do what we used to when you were alive?
SAL: [COCKNEY[ Course we can, sonny Jim [IRISH] Ah, and what was that you used to do, now? [COCKNEY] Well, I was a medium, weren't I? [IRISH] Were you? [COCKNEY] Yeah [IRISH] Well I never [COCKNEY] And we used to do séances, me and Arfur. Alright, Arfur, let's do a séance, like old times, I'm goin under now, I'm goin in a trance, inni? Oh, ere's me spirit guide - just checking, do you recall that spirit guides are keys-
ART: To open the other world, yes, yes.
SAL: [COCKNEY] Orright, son, 'ere 'e comes. [NATIVE AMERICAN] I am arrived, Chief Hanging Berry, spirit guide for heap big medium Madam Gladys [IRISH] Sure, 'tis a racist voice you got there [NATIVE AMERICAN] Me think you racist voice. Now, Arthur nephew, me must ask, do you know-
ART: Yes, I know about the keys!
SAL: [NATIVE AMERICAN] Heap clever paleface. Who you want to contact?
ART: I don't know. The only dead person I like is auntie Gladys.
SAL: [COCKNEY] That's too easy. When the medium's dead, it's no challenge to contact dead people. How about I contact a living person? [NATIVE AMERICAN] Heap good idea [IRISH] 'Tis a grand idea, there, Mr Berries [NATIVE AMERICAN] Who you want contact who not dead?
ART: Err, I don't really have any friends.
SAL: [NATIVE AMERICAN] Think of someone, stupid Mr.
ART: Errr...I've got no ideas....err...Madam Sally?
SAL: [NATIVE AMERICAN] Oh, that one quite easy. Sally lady, you here? [SCOUSE] Alright there, who's dat? [NATIVE AMERICAN] Chief Hanging Berry, spirit guide for Madam Gladys [SCOUSE] Who's Madam Gladys? [IRISH] Tis his auntie, who I found in the spirit world for you [SCOUSE] Is that you, Bridie? [IRISH] Sure and it is [SCOUSE] Gosh, I never heard your voice before...bit racist [NATIVE AMERICAN] Me think so [COCKNEY] It's bleeding outrageous [SCOUSE] So, what's going on, am I dead? [NATIVE AMERICAN] No, you live [SCOUSE] That's good news. So who's dead? [NATIVE AMERICAN] I am [COCKNEY] I am [IRISH] I am.
ART: I'm not.
SAL: [SCOUSE] Yeah, I know that, don't I? So, I'm here what do you want to ask, Art?
ART: What's it like being...alive?
SAL: [SCOUSE] What sort of question's that? [NATIVE AMERICAN] Stupid [COCKNEY] Stupid [IRISH] Stupid [SCOUSE] You hear, that, Arthur, your question's stupid...Arthur...Arthur? ...Arthur...[WELSH & DEEP] What's going on? [SCOUSE] Oh, blimey, you musta just died. [WELSH] Bloody hell! [SCOUSE] How am I going to get paid now? To be honest, I should be getting double rates for all this [WELSH] Just take the money from my wallet, I won't mind. So, this is the spirit plain, is it? There's lovely. Hello everyone [SCOUSE] Hello [IRISH] Hello [COCKNEY] Hello [NATIVE AMERICAN] Hello [WELSH] Hello...hey, tell you what, Gladys - when you do my voice it sounds a little bit racist...